It was a private beach with huge UV parasols to protect against the sun...
A UV or ULTRA VIOLET Parasol is made specifcially to serve as protection from sun!
A beach umbrella might suffice but in the end the optimum benefits would come from a parasol made of a UV resistant material...
"It was a private beach with huge UV parasols to protect against the sun..."
"UV or ULTRA VIOLET Parasol"(紫外線を通さない日傘)は太陽光から守るために特別に作られたものです。"A beach umbrella"で充分かもしれませんが、最高の利点は紫外線を通さない素材からできている傘ということです。
例文:"It was a private beach with huge UV parasols to protect against the sun..."
While the correct term is parasol, saying that will most likely make your listener think of white, frilly things carried by ladies in the last century. Most people today will not use parasols to protect themselves from the sun, instead preferring to wear hats, sunglasses, or simply sunscreen.
A parasol is very similar in design to an umbrella, except that a parasol is to keep you from being exposed to the sun, whereas an umbrella is for protection against the rain.
These types of umbrellas are not as common in majority of English speaking countries. If someone were to use an umbrella to protect themselves from the sun while on a walk, for example, it would be the same kind of umbrella as is used to protect from rain. However, larger umbrellas which are put in the ground are often used at the beach to produce shade. These would usually just be called umbrellas or beach umbrellas.
"Parasol" is a noun.
It is used to prevent people from burning in the sun. "Canopy" and "sunshade" are synonyms for "umbrella", "umbrella" is a noun and serves the same purpose as the "parasol". An "umbrella" can be used to give shade from the sun, it can be used during winter to prevent you from raining wet. "Canopy" is an ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something.
When talking about the sun we refer to the rays coming from it as UV or ultraviolet this is want causes you to burn so a umbrella you use to cover you and protect you from the sun is called a 'paraol' whereas a umbrella for the rain is simply an 'umbrella'