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2018/02/26 15:31
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  • It is very bright out.

  • The sun is blinding.

You use "bright" to say that a light is very powerful. If it is "bright out", it means the light from the sun is very strong. "Blinding" means something is making you unable to see, often in reference to a very bright light, or a sunny day. You would use the second example only if the sun was so bright you had trouble keeping your eyes open.

brightは、光がとても明るいと言うために使います。bright outの場合、太陽の光がとても明るいことを意味してます。


Rees DMM英会話講師
  • Bright

  • There is not a cloud in the sky

For the word "Bright" you could say "It sure is bright out today." or "I need my sunglasses. I did not know it was going to be so bright."

"There is not a cloud in the sky." This phrase does not even mention the sun, but it is understood that if there is not a cloud in the sky then the sun is shining. To make it clear though you can say, "There is not a cloud in the sky, it is perfectly sunny."

"Bright"(明るい)という言葉を使い、"It sure is bright out today." (今日は快晴です。)といえるでしょう。または次のようにも言えるかもしれません。

"I need my sunglasses I did not know it was going to be so bright."

"There is not a cloud in the sky."

"There is not a cloud in the sky, it is perfectly sunny."

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Very sunny day

  • Very bright out today.

  • There isnt a cloud in the sky today.

"Very sunny day." This explains that it is very sunny on the day.

"Very bright out today." This explains that the sun is shining.

"There isn't a cloud in the sky today." This explains that the sky is blue, the sun is shining and there are no clouds.

"Very sunny day."

"Very bright out today."

"There isn't a cloud in the sky today."

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The sun is shining bright.

  • The sky is without a cloud in the sky.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that the sun is very sunny. In the first sentence you will notice the phrase shine bright. This phrase means that something or someone is very bright. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.


最初の文に、"shine bright"というフレーズがあります。これは「(人・物が)明るく輝いている」という意味です。このフレーズは日常会話でよく使いますので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。

Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is glorious

  • The sun is dazzlingly bright today

  • There's not a cloud in the sky

Glorious = wonderful, amazing
Bright = giving out or reflecting light
Dazzlingly = to dazzle is to temporarily make someone unable to see, so in this case we are saying that the sun was so bright that you could barely see.
When we say there is not a cloud in the sky it means that the sun is shining.

Glorious = 素晴らしい
Bright = 明るい、輝いている
Dazzlingly = 'to dazzle'は「目を一時的に見えなくさせる」という意味です。ここでは、太陽が目がくらむほど輝いていると言っています。

'There's not a cloud in the sky'(雲一つない)は、快晴を表します。

Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • A perfect day

  • It's a brilliant day

  • It's a cloudless day

You may just want to inform someone about the current weather situation - or you may be feeling great and with the blue sky and sun, want to express your overflowing emotion of happiness to the world!
"The weather outside is simply amazing!"
"It's a day of blue sky and dazzling sunshine !"

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Very bright

  • It is very sunny with not a cloud in the sky

  • Very sunny

If you want to say it is very sunny then you can simply say 'it's very sunny' you can also use the term 'very bright' to describe it in more detail you would say 'It's very sunny with not a cloud in the sky' meaning the sun is out brightly and there are no clouds to make it dull and not as bright

快晴だと言いたいなら、シンプルに'It's very sunny'(快晴です)と言えます。'very bright'を使うこともできます。

'It's very sunny with not a cloud in the sky'(空に雲ひとつない快晴だ)

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Today the sun is splitting the rocks

  • Today the sky is so clear, I can't see any clouds

Everybody talks about the weather.
"Splitting the rocks" is an Irish expression that means that the sun is so bright and strong that it could make the rocks break into pieces.
When we say I can't see any clouds, this means that the sky is completely clear

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • The sun has chased the clouds away

  • There is a brilliant sun in the sky

If you want to express that there are NO clouds in the sky, you can use any of these two sentences as they emphazise the brightness on the sun:-
1. The sun has chased the clouds away.

  1. There is a brilliant sun in the sky.
    Both these statements are emphazing the bright sunlight and the absence of clouds.


  1. The sun has chased the clouds away.

  2. There is a brilliant sun in the sky.


Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! What a blue sky!

Wow! What a blue sky! 「うわー、すごい青空!」と、


Yoko T 英語コーチ
  • Today's bright

  • It's blinding

"Today's bright"
Often used very casually, something bright is referred to a lot of light being exposed.
"It's blinding" another casual expression, 'Blinding' refers to the sun/source of light being very bright it almost hurts.

"Today's bright"(今日は快晴です)
= 非常にカジュアルな言い方です、"bright" は強い光を放っていることを表します。

"It's blinding"(まぶしいです)
= これもカジュアルな表現です、'Blinding' は太陽などの光が痛いくらいにまぶしいことをいいます。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • There are no clouds in the sky, the sun is shining so bright today!

If there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is shining brightly, that means the weather is perfect, generally if there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is shining brightly, the weather will be warm and pleasant.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Not a cloud in the sky.

What a beautiful day.
Not a cloud in the sky.
You can say that again.
Not a cloud...
I wasn't serious.

I hope that helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It's very bright outside.

  • It's a very clear day today.

  • the sun is shining brightly today.

We can use the adjective, "bright," rather than sunny to have a same effect as it better describes that the sun is shining. In addition, we can also use the adjective, "clear," to describe that there are no clouds in the sky which helps the sun shine brightly.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It's very bright outside.

  • It's so sunny without a cloud in the sky.

When you want to describe the weather outside you can use any of the above two sentences.

A; How is the weather today?
B; It's very bright outside, not a cloud in sight!

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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