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2016/01/19 14:50
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  • Today is a bright and sunny day without a cloud in the sky.

  • It’s a beautiful sunny day today.

  • It’s a cloudless day today.

雲一つないことにこだわるのでしたら"cloudless"や"without any cloud"などと付け加えるといいと思います。 [青空](が気持よい[天気](ならば Today’s blue sky is so beautiful. などと言ってもいいかもしれません。 bright and sunny = 明るくて晴れている without a cloud in the sky = 空に雲一つない cloudless = 雲がない
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • It's a beautiful balmy day

  • The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky

  • Its a bright cloudless day

Balmy; Characterized by pleasantly warm weather. Balmy is used to describe lovely warm weather that is just perfect. You can use it to describe the day, warm nights or warm weather in general. ‘It was such a balmy evening we chose to sit outside, a decision we did not regret.’ ‘the balmy days of late summer’ ‘Sunny beaches and balmy winters are part of the good life in Florida.’ The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky. This sentence can be used to describe the weather and it can also be used to convey a persons emotional state. The phrase indicates that the person has no problems and is not troubled by anything. Its a bright cloudless day. This indicates a clear bright sky without clouds.
Balmy;平和で暖かい[天気](のことを言います。 Balmy は完璧な素晴らしい暖かい日のことを指しますので、日中でも夜でもこれを使うといいでしょう。 例 ‘It was such a balmy evening we chose to sit outside, a decision we did not regret.’ なんて[穏やか](な夜だろう。僕らは外に座ることにした。この決断は間違ってなかったようだ。 ‘the balmy days of late summer’ 夏の終わりの穏やかな日。 ‘Sunny beaches and balmy winters are part of the good life in Florida.’ 輝くビーチと穏やかな冬はフロリダの生活の一部だ。 The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky. この文章は、天気を表すとともに、その人の平和な感情まで表すことができます。 Its a bright cloudless day. これは雲ひとつない快晴の天気を表します。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • It's a clear day

  • It's a sunny day

  • There's not a cloud in the sky!

When we call weather "Clear" it means that there aren't any clouds out. So we could say, "The day was sunny and clear, a great day to go to the beach--As long as you're wearing sunscreen!" A phrase that you might also hear sometimes is, "There's not a cloud in the sky!" This means that it's sunny and clear, and this phrase sounds a bit literary and poetic. You might hear it in music or movies and you might read it in a book or a poem. Have a lovely day!
"Clear"と天気に使えば、雲ひとつない天気のことを指します。 "The day was sunny and clear, a great day to go to the beach--As long as you're wearing sunscreen!"  「今日は日差しが強くて雲ひとつないから、ビーチに行くには良い日だね!サンクリームをしっかりつけていれば!」 なんていうこともできます。 There's not a cloud in the sky!" これもよく聞くものです。 これは、雲がなく晴れているという意味で使われます。 ちょっと文学的かつ詩的な表現です。 音楽や映画などで耳にしたり、小説や詩で目にすることがあるでしょう。 素晴らしい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • It's gorgeous/beautiful/lovely out there!

  • What a gorgeous/beautiful/lovely day today!

天気のことを言うのに gorgeous/lovely/beautiful という言葉を用いることはよくあります。 out there を用いる際は基本的に会話が室内の場合となります。 なんて素敵な天気だろう!というニュアンスですと What a ----. が使えますよ。 参考までに(^^)
  • The sun is shining with not a c loud in the sky.

"The sun is shining with not a cloud in the sky." This means that it is a sunny day and there are no clouds in the sky. Hope this helps :)
"The sun is shining with not a cloud in the sky." With not a cloudが「雲ひとつない」という強調されたニュアンスを出します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It is a beautiful, sunny, and cloudless day. It makes me feel like jumping into a cool swimming pool.

  • It is a beautiful, sunny, and cloudless day. It makes me feel like reaching for the sky.

When a day is sunny, without a single cloud in the sky, it looks so beautiful that it makes you feel like flying. It makes you feel like reaching for the sky. Days like this make you feel like jumping into a cool swimming pool because they are usually hot. Sometimes, you may not be close to a swimming pool, but, you may be close to a shower. So, the alternative feeling in this case would be to take a cold shower to cool yourself. However, you would say the following to your friend: It is a beautiful, sunny, and cloudless day. It makes me feel like jumping into a cool swimming pool. or It is a beautiful, sunny, and cloudless day. It makes me feel like reaching for the sky.
晴れて雲一つない日は、まるで空でも飛べるような気がするほど美しいですよね。まるで空に手が届くような気分になるかもしれません。そんな日は暑いので、冷たいプールに入りたくなるかもしれません。プールが近くにない日でもシャワーが近くにあるなら、冷たい水を浴びることもできます。 It is a beautiful, sunny, and cloudless day. It makes me feel like jumping into a cool swimming pool. (今日は美しい、晴れた雲一つない日です。プールに入りたい気分だよ。) It is a beautiful, sunny, and cloudless day. It makes me feel like reaching for the sky. (今日は美しい、晴れた雲一つない日です。空に届きそうな気分だよ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It is a lovely day!

  • Today the weather is perfect!

When you are excited about the great weather and there is not a cloud in the sky, you can simply express this by saying: "It is a lovely day!" or "today the weather is perfect!" This shows both your excitement and admiration for the great weather that you currently have.
例:Today the weather is perfect! 「今日は快晴だ!」(直訳だと今日の天気は完璧だ) 雲がないほど天気が良くて嬉しいことを単純に、 "It is a lovely day!"(今日は最高だ)か "today the weather is perfect!"(今日は快晴だ)と言えます。 この表現はあなたが喜んでいる様子や、天気を褒める気持ちを同時に表せます。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • It's a clear and sunny day.

  • There's not a cloud in the sky!

We can use both of these terms to describe that it is a sunny day with no clouds. Notice in the first example sentence, we can use the adjective, "clear," to describe that there aren't any clouds in the sky as it refers to how blue the sky is.
これらはどちらも「雲一つない晴天」を表します。 一つ目の例では、形容詞の "clear" で雲がないことを表現しています。"clear" には「空が澄み渡った」という意味があります。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • There's not a cloud in the sky!

  • It's a beautiful day today. Not a cloud in the sky.

There's not a cloud in the sky!' is a common expression we use when it is a clear day with lovely blue skies. We also use 'clear day' when there are no clouds in the sky. You can also use adjectives like beautiful and lovely when describing a nice day.
There's not a cloud in the sky!'(空に雲一つない)はよく使われる表現です。雲一つない晴天の時に使います。 空の晴れ渡った日には、'clear day' も使えます。 「天気のいい日」は 'beautiful' や 'lovely' などの形容詞を使って表すこともできます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Today is spotless.

  • What a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in sight.

  • Today is gorgeous, not a single cloud.

Today is spotless. What a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in sight. Today is gorgeous, not a single cloud. Spotless is a term we use in England, or at least where I am from. All the others will work well for you and get your point across. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Today is spotless.(今日は雲一つありません) What a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in sight.(今日は最高の天気ですね。雲一つない) Today is gorgeous, not a single cloud.(今日は最高の天気ですね。雲一つない) 'Spotless' はイギリスで(少なくても私の出身地では)使われる表現です。他の二つの例もこの場面で使うことができます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • "It is such a beautiful day, it is sunny and no clouds in sight"

  • "The weather is lovely today, it is sunny and not a cloud in sight"

  • "It is a lovely day today, no cloud's in the sky at all"

If you wanted to express that it is a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in the sky, you could say any of the following: "It is such a beautiful day, it is sunny and no clouds in sight", "The weather is lovely today, it is sunny and not a cloud in sight" or "It is a lovely day today, no cloud's in the sky at all".
「雲一つない快晴」は次のように言えます。 "It is such a beautiful day, it is sunny and no clouds in sight"(今日は最高の天気ですね。雲一つない快晴です) "The weather is lovely today, it is sunny and not a cloud in sight"(今日は最高の天気ですね。雲一つない快晴です) "It is a lovely day today, no clouds in the sky at all"(今日は最高の天気ですね。雲一つない快晴です)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It's gorgeous outside, there's not a cloud in sight!

  • The sky is clear and blue

  • Today is a great day to spend outside, the sun is shining brightly and I don't see any clouds

When we say "It's gorgeous outside" we mean that the weather is great. It's not cold, it's not raining or snowing and the sun is shining. More than likely it is not going to rain. "The sky is clear and blue". There aren't any clouds in the sky and we can only see blue, no grey. "Today is a great day to spend outside, the sun is shining brightly and I don't see any clouds". Spending the day outside is the best way to enjoy good weather. We can go to the beach, sit outside our house and read, or meet some friends and have a few drinks outside.
"It's gorgeous outside" は、「天気が素晴らしい」という意味です。寒くなくて、雨や雪も降っていない(これからも降りそうにない)、太陽が輝いている日です。 "The sky is clear and blue"(空が青く澄んでいる) これは「雲一つない青空」を表します。 "Today is a great day to spend outside, the sun is shining brightly and I don't see any clouds"(今日は外で過ごすには最高の日だ。太陽が輝いていて、雲一つない) 天気のいい日には外に出たくなりますね。ビーチに行ったり、屋外で読書をしたり、友達と会ってお酒を飲んだり。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is so nice today, there isn't a cloud in the sky.

  • It's so sunny today!

  • It's a beautiful, sunny day.

You can also say "We are having perfect weather today." or you could use words like "cloudless" or "clear" to describe the day or sky. You could also use the word "sunshine". Example: I'm in such a good mood, it must be this perfect weather and all that sunshine."
次のように言うこともできます。 "We are having perfect weather today."(今日は最高の天気です) また、「雲がない」は "cloudless" や "clear" で表すこともできます。 "sunshine" という語を使ってもいいですね。 例: "I'm in such a good mood, it must be this perfect weather and all that sunshine."(今日はすごく気分がいい。この天気とお日様のおかげだと思う)
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • the sun is shining without a cloud in the sky

" the sun is shining" showing that the sun is out and it is hot and this is the only thing that that you can see in the sky. " without" free from or excluding eg no clouds in the sky
"the sun is shining" は、日差しが強く、空に雲一つない状態を表します。 "without" は「~がない」という意味です。ここでは、「空に雲が一つもない」と言っています。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • It's a wonderful, clear day

  • It's an amazing, cloudless day

  • Blue sky and shining sun - what more could you ask for!

It's a beautiful sunny day with no clouds and you would like to make a comment about that. In that case, any of the above suggested phrases would be good.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky!

  • It was a sun-drenched day with a clear, blue sky.

  • It's a perfect sunny day!

These are 3 ways of expressing pleasantly sunny weather. When we say the weather is "clear" we mean that there are no clouds in the sky. While "drenched" usually refers to being wet, "Sun-drenched" means that an area is pleasantly "saturated" with sun. This phrase is less common in casual conversations, however would be perfect for use in creative writing, essays or poetry. Hope this helps ;o)
「快晴」を表す三つの言い方です。 "clear" はこの場合、空に雲がないことを表します。 "drenched" は普通「ぬれた」という意味を表しますが、"sun-drenched" は「日差しにあふれた」という意味です。このフレーズは日常会話ではあまり使われませんが、小説や詩、エッセーなどにはピッタリです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Emma D DMM英会話講師
  • The sun is shining today, it is beautiful!

  • The sun has got its hat on, there are no clouds

  • Today is a gorgeous day, the sun is out and there are no clouds

The sun has got its hat on, there are no clouds' is a common english phrase for saying the sun is shining bright in a fun and positive way Saying the sun is beautiful or gorgeous is a nice way of saying the sun is out. You could say there are no clouds which means the sky is clear.
The sun has got its hat on, there are no clouds'(雲一つない晴天です) はよく使われるフレーズです。「太陽が明るく輝いている」という意味を表します。 "The sun is beautiful / gorgeous" も良い言い方です。これも「快晴」を表します。 雲がないわけなので、"There are no clouds" という言い方もできます。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • It's a clear day today.

  • We have really nice weather today.

It's a clear day today. 今日は快晴です。 We have really nice weather today. 今日は天気がとても良いです。 weather は「天気」という意味の英語表現です。 nice weather で「良い天気」を表すことができます。 nice 以外にも wonderful / great / beautiful などもよく使われます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It’s a sunny day today.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「It’s a sunny day today. 」 =今日は快晴だ。 (例文)It’s a sunny day today. Wanna go to the beach? (訳)今日は快晴だ。ビーチ行かない? (例文)It’s a sunny day. Should we go to the park? (訳)今日は快晴だ。公園行かない? 単語: sunny 晴れ お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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