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男子校とは、男子生徒だけが通う学校のことです。 男女一緒だと共学といいます。
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2018/03/13 16:36
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  • Boy's school

  • All boys school

  • School for boy's only

Boy's school= This quickly identifies the school's main gender. It will help the listener understand that the school is only made for boys. All boy's school All= shows that there are no girls and that every student in that school is a boy. Example: All the children must get a sweet and no one must be left out. School for boys only Boy's only= (Adverb) This means that boys are the main gender in the school and no other gender (girls) are apart of the school. Example: Only children who are three years old can join the party. <No one else can join>
Boy's school この表現では学校の主な性別をすぐに判別できます。聞き手はその学校が男子向けのみに作られたことを理解できるでしょう。 All boy's school Allという表現はその学校の生徒すべてが男子で女子はいないことを表しています。 例文: All the children must get a sweet and no one must be left out. (子供達全員がお菓子を受け取り、誰も取り残されないようにしてください。) School for boys only Boy's only (Adverb) とはその学校の主な性別が男子であり、別性(女子)は所属できないことを表しています。 例文 Only children who are three years old can join the party. <No one else can join> (3歳児のみがパーティーに参加できます。(他は誰も参加できません。))
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • All Boy's school

  • Boy's school

  • Men's school

A school where only persons of one sex attend would be called an all boy's or all girl's school. Also, the schools where persons of both sexes would be classified as a co-education school. These are more commonly refereed to as co-ed schools. There are both public and private schools as well as specialized which may have other requirements to attend. Specialized school may be schools for the gifted or schools for music, boarding schools and others.
1つの性別のみが所属できる学校を all boy's / all girl's schoolと呼びます。また、両方の性別が所属できる学校を a co-education school(共学校)と呼びます。より一般的な呼び方は co-ed schoolとなります。公立と私立の両方があり、入試に考慮される特定の条件がある場合もあります。Specialized school (特別校)は 特別福祉校、音楽校、寄宿校などがあります。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • A boys' school

  • A boys only school

The common name would be 'boys' school.' There are many types of school in the UK and usually the type of school would also be included in any explanation: "It's a boys' public school." Alternatively: "It's a public school for boys."
一般的には、boys' schoolと言います。イギリスには多くの種類の学校があり、通常、学校の種類は説明の中に含まれます: It's a boys' public school. (それは公立の男子校です。) あるいは: It's a public school for boys. (それは公立の男子校です。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Boys school

  • Male school

  • All boys school

A school where only boys attend is called a boys school it could also be called an all boys school all means everything so everyone of the students would be a boy/male in that school
男子だけが行く学校はboys schoolと呼ばれます。 all boys schoolと呼ばれることもあります。 allはeverything(すべて)という意味です。ですから、生徒が全員男子であることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • All Boys School

  • Prep School

  • Boarding School

A boy's school is a school that refers to a center for learning which has only male students. As opposed to a co-ed, a school that has both male and female students, which is the most popular form of school. Normally, these types of school will have "boys academy" or "all male" as a part of their school's name.
A boy's school (男子校)とは男性生徒のみ集めた学習の施設を指しています。co-ed (共学)は反対の言葉で、男性と女性両方の生徒がいる学校を指します。共学が最も一般的な学校形態です、通常、男子校の名前には"boys academy" または "all male" といった言葉が含まれています。
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • A boy's school

  • school for boys

A school meant only for boys is called a "boy's school" or a "school for boys". For example, you can say: -I want to send my son to a school for boys -I went to a boy's school.
男子のみが通う学校は、boy's school、またはschool for boysと言います。 例えば、次のように言えます。 -I want to send my son to a school for boys 息子には男子校に行かせたいです。 -I went to a boy's school. 男子校に通いました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • All boys school

  • Single-gender school

"Single-sex school" used to be more commonly used and is still used today. Parents would often discuss the benefits of "Single-sex school" vs "co-ed" (which has both male and female students). "All boys school" is also a commonly used term.
「Single-sex school(男女別々の学校)」は以前はもっとよく使われていましたが、今でも使われます。 子どもを持つ親はよく「Single-sex school(男女別々の学校)」と「co-ed(男女共学)」のメリットについて話をします。 「All boys school(男子校)」もよく使われます。
Iain DMM英会話講師
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