Explanation: 'The week after next' describes the week starting after the present week. 'The' is often omitted in conversation.
Example sentence:
"Let's rearrange our meeting for the week after next."
'The week after next'(再来週)
"Let's rearrange our meeting for the week after next."
week = 週
next = 次
rearrange = 調整しなおす
week after next = 再来週
The official word for the 'week after next' would be a fortnight, which means a period of two weeks.
"I start at my new school in a fortnight"
I start at my new school in a fortnight
When describing time there are a few ways to count it. Two weeks is a described as a fortnight, four weeks as a month, etc. Alternatively, you can use the day after tomorrow, a week from now, three weeks from now to describe upcoming times. Lastly, you can just use the date of the upcoming time and there will be no confusion. e.g. January 1st
two weeksは、2週間のことです。four weeksは、4週間(1か月)です。
day after tomorrow, a week from now, three weeks from now
January 1st(1月1日)
"Week after next" is not common but it is a proper way to express the thought. This is used when you are trying to be proper in a professional atmosphere.
"Two weeks from now" In this expression you are giving the exact date that you wish to meet, work etc. This is also a formal way of expressing.
Week after nextは、よく使われませんが、適切に意味を表現する方法です。これは、プロフェッショナルの場でふさわしく使われます。
Two weeks from nowは、仕事、または会うのためにきちんとした日程を表現してます。これもフォーマルな表現です。
Many times in explaining to someone the week after next, one must clarify to insure one knows that it will happen, not next week, but instead the week after.
"So Suzy's getting married next week?"
"No, not next week, but the week after."
"the week after"(再来週)を何度も説明する時は、
それは"next week"(来週)ではなく
"So Suzy's getting married next week?"
"No, not next week, but the week after."
If you want to talk about 'the week after next week' a natural expression would be to say 'the week after next',
for example:
'The week after next I'll be heading on holiday to Thailand'.
A 'fortnight' means 'two weeks' and could be used in a formal setting. So if you are talking to your boss you could say:
'I will be going on holiday to Thailand in a fortnight'.
Another way of saying this would be:
'I will be going on holiday to Thailand in two weeks' time'.
再来週と言いたい場合、一番ナチュラルな表現は"the week after next"です。
例文:'The week after next I'll be heading on holiday to Thailand'.
例文: 'I will be going on holiday to Thailand in a fortnight'.
'I will be going on holiday to Thailand in two weeks' time'.
「再来週」は 'the week after next' と言います。
- 空いている日があるか? - Are you free sometime?
- 再来週なら空いてるよ! - I'm free on the week after next.
「2週間後」という意味を表したいときに、'in two weeks time' か 'two weeks later' と言えます。'Fortnight' も同じ意味ですが、この言葉を日常会話ではなく、例えば小説とかで使うことがあります。
1.) the week after next (再来週) 「再来週」は英語でthe week after nextと訳せます。ちなみに「来週」は英語でnext weekと訳せます。
I'm free the week after next! (再来週なら空いてるよ!)
Are you free the week after next? (再来週は空いていますか?)
you will describe this by saying "the week after next"
example sentences:
"can we reschedule our meeting for the week after next?"
"i am away most of the week but i can see you again the week after next?"
日本語の「再来週」が英語で「the week after next」といいます。
再来週なら空いてるよ! ー I’m free the week after next!
展示は再来週で終了します ー The exhibition ends the week after next
日の名前と言うなら、「何々 week」がナチュラルです。
再来週の木曜日にランチしましょう! ー Do you want to get lunch on Thursday week?
If the week that is coming up is not the one you want to talk about you can say in 2 weeks. For example, In 2 weeks I will be in town to visit. You can also say the week after next. That would mean that the week that is coming and the week after that is when the event will happen.
the week after next
next next week
next week で「来週」を英語で表現することができます。
next next week で「再来週」と言えます。
もちろん、next next next week で「再来週の次の週」も表せます。
・the week after next
next week と言えば「来週」になります。
そのさらに次の週なので、the week after next と言えます。
These phrases are used when you want to talk about the week which is not next week but the week after that one, hence "The week after next", in other words "In two weeks time".
example sentences:
"In two weeks time I go on holiday!"
"You have to see me the week after next"
When describing a time you are talking about not this week but the week after it you can use several phrases. One is "the week after next". Ex: "The wedding date is set for the week after next." "I'll be going on vacation to the Bahamas the week after next."
Another expression that can be used is "two weeks from now". We can use this because is two weeks from the current date. Ex: "Ann will be starting her job two weeks from now." "The students are studying for an exam they will take two weeks from now."