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とっても晴れていることです! 「sunny」よりももっと晴れている感じの表現があれば知りたいです。
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2018/04/29 11:27
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  • It's really sunny outside

  • It's so sunny today

  • The weather is glorious

Examples "the weather is amazing today" or "it's so sunny today". or "it's really sunny today". or "what a glorious day !!".
例 "the weather is amazing today" (今日に天気は素晴らしいです) または "it's so sunny today" (今日はとても晴れています) または "it's really sunny today" (今日はとても晴れています) または "what a glorious day!!" (なんてよく晴れた日なんでしょう)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Sunny weather

  • Sunny day

  • Pleasant sunny Sunday

A sunny day will have clear blue skies without any clouds. Such a day is usually warm if it is in winter, but it may be hot if it is in summer, especially if this happens in areas where the climate is normally hot. In cold climates, people may be very happy on a sunny day. However, people in normally hot climates may find a sunny day scorching prompting them to go swimming or hide in the shade. So, you may say: We have had nice sunny weather for three days now. or It's a sunny day today. Let us go swimming. or What a pleasant sunny Sunday it is today.
sunny day(晴れた日)は雲のない青空になります。そのような日は通常冬であれば暖かく夏であれば暑いかもしれません。普段暑い気候の地域であれば特にです。寒冷地では人々は晴れた日にとても喜ぶかもしれません。しかし普段暑い気候の場所に住んでいる人々は晴れた日を猛烈に暑く感じて泳ぎに行くか日陰に入るかもしれません。 したがって以下のように言うことができます: We have had nice sunny weather for three days now. (3日間連続晴れです。) または It's a sunny day today. Let us go swimming. (今日は晴れです。泳ぎに行きましょう。) または What a pleasant sunny Sunday it is today. (今日はなんて気持ちのよい晴れた日曜日なのでしょう。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Hot weather

  • Warm day

  • Fine day

There are a number of ways to express that a day is very sunny. You can say "hot (weather)" - for example: it is very hot today. You can also say "warm day"- e.g. Tomorrow is going to be a warm day. It's going to be 39 degrees Celsius. You can also say "fine day"- e.g. What a fine day it is today.
『晴天』を言い表す表現は沢山あります。 次のように言うことが出来ます。 "hot (weather)" (暑い(天気)) 【例】 -it is very hot today. (今日はとても暑い日です) また次のように言う事も出来ます。 "warm day"(暖かい日) 【例】 - Tomorrow is going to be a warm day. It's going to be 39 degrees Celsius. (明日はとても暖かい日になるようです、39℃になるようです) また次のように言う事も出来ます。 "fine day"(いい天気の日) 【例】 - What a fine day it is today. (今日はなんていい天気なんでしょう)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sunny day

  • Cloudless

  • Beautiful weather

"Sunny day" You use this to describe a day where there is a lot of sun and not many clouds. "What a sunny day it is today!" "It was a nice and sunny day to visit the beach." "What are you going to do on this sunny day?" "We had a perfectly sunny day for our picnic at the lake." "Cloudless" Cloudless means there are no clouds, so it is a nice sunny day without any clouds to block the sun. "The sky is cloudless over the mountains." "I like to visit the beach on a cloudless day." "Beautiful weather" Perfect temperature, just the right amount of sun, etc. "The weather was beautiful the entire time we were on vacation." "Tom said there is beautiful weather in the islands." Hope these help!
"Sunny day" 太陽の光が多くて、雲がない日を説明するのにこの語を使います。 例文 "What a sunny day it is today!" 今日はなんて良い天気なんだ! "It was a nice and sunny day to visit the beach." ビーチに行くには素晴らしく晴れた日だ "What are you going to do on this sunny day?" この晴れた日に何をするつもり? "We had a perfectly sunny day for our picnic at the lake." 湖でピクニックをするのにぴったりの晴天だった "Cloudless" 雲が全くないで、太陽をさえぎる雲が全くない素晴らしい、晴れた日だということです。 例文 "The sky is cloudless over the mountains." 山々の上空の空には雲一つない "I like to visit the beach on a cloudless day." 晴れた日にビーチに行くのが好きだ "Beautiful weather" Perfect temperatureも太陽がよく出ているということです。 例文 "The weather was beautiful the entire time we were on vacation." 休暇中はずっと天気は良かった "Tom said there is beautiful weather in the islands." 島では天気が良かったとトムは言っていた お役に立てば幸いです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Sunny

  • There isn't a cloud in the sky.

  • Lovely weather today

"Sunny" describes the weather as the sun shining and there not been any cloud in the sky. "There isn't a cloud in the sky." This is an English phrase used to describe very sunny weather with no clouds and lots of blue sky. eg: The weather is lovely today, there isn't a cloud in the sky. "Lovely weather today" This is another way of explaining that the weather is very very good that day. Eg: We have had lovely weather this week.
"Sunny" (晴れている)とは空に雲ひとつなく太陽が輝いていている天気を表します。 "There isn't a cloud in the sky." 空に雲1つありません。 この英語フレーズは快晴の雲1つない青い空を表しています。 例:The weather is lovely today, there isn't a cloud in the sky. 今日は空に雲1つないとてもいい天気です。 "Lovely weather today" 今日は素敵な天気です。 これはとてもいい天気であることを表す別の表現です。 例:We have had lovely weather this week. 今週はとてもいい天気が続いています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Sunny day

  • Excellent weather

A sunny day is the most common way to describe a day that is warm and bright because the sun is out and shining.
sunny dayは、一番よく使われる表現で、太陽が出ていて光り輝いているので暖かくて明るい日という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • It's is bright and sunny today

  • It's a cloudless day today!

The day may be bright and sunny and cloudless - all the necessary ingredients to make it a wonderful day - as long as there is not a hurricane at the same time.
晴れて (bright)、太陽がでていて (sunny)、雲のない (cloudless) 日のことかもしれませんね。どれも「wonderful day (素晴らしい日)」の必要条件です。同時にハリケーンが来るようではいけませんが。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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