世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/13 17:30
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  • Thanks to the growth of LCCs, traveling to overseas became easier.

  • Budget airlines made it easier to travel abroad.

'Thanks to 名詞'を使うと、「~のおかげ」という雰囲気のうれしい、ありがたい気持ちを表現することができます。 'Thanks to the growth of LCCs, traveling to overseas became easier.' 「格安航空会社のおかげで、海外旅行が簡単にできるようになった。」 また 'Budget airlines made it easier to travel abroad.' 「格安航空会社は海外旅行に行きやすくした」 という風にも言うことができます。 格安航空会社は Low-cost carrier(LCC) または Budget airlineといいます!
Juri N 英語講師
  • Because of low cost airlines, travelling abroad has become more accessible.

  • Budget airlines have made it easier for people to travel abroad.

  • Travelling is more accessible due to low cost airlines.

Because of low cost airlines, travelling abroad has become more accessible. - "Accessible" means easily used or obtained so more people can use planes. Budget airlines have made it easier for people to travel abroad. - "Budget airlines" are low cost airlines for people who have a lower budget. "Budget" means a limited amount of money set aside for a specific thing or period of time. Travelling is more accessible due to low cost airlines. - "Due" is just another way of saying 'because'. A little more formal.
Because of low cost airlines, travelling abroad has become more accessible.(格安航空のおかげで、海外旅行がより身近になりました) →"Accessible" は「利用しやすい/入手しやすい」という意味です。なので、より多くの人が飛行機を使えるようになったということです。 Budget airlines have made it easier for people to travel abroad.(格安航空のおかげで、海外旅行がより身近になりました) →"Budget airlines" は低予算でも利用できる格安の航空会社をいいます。"Budget" は、特定のことや期間のために確保したお金をいいます。 Travelling is more accessible due to low cost airlines.(格安航空のおかげで、旅行がより身近になりました) →"Due" は単に 'Because' の別の言い方です。'Because'(~という理由で)よりも少しフォーマルです。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Travelling abroad has become easier thanks to low cost airlines

  • Budget airlines have made it easier to travel abroad

To travel to a different country is also said to 'travel abroad' If something is not as hard as before then it is said to be 'easier' to do Airlines that are cheaper are also referred to as 'low cost airlines' (ryan air/easy jet/jet2 etc) you can also refer to these as a 'budget airline'
海外に行くことは 'travel abroad' で表すことができます。 何かが以前よりも簡単になったなら、それは'easier' で表せます。 格安航空会社は 'low cost airline' と呼ばれます(例えば、ライアンエアー/イージージェット/ など)。 また、'budget airline' という言い方もあります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The growth of low-cost airlines has made it easier to travel abroad.

  • The growth of discount airlines has made it easier to travel abroad.

  • Budget airlines have made it easier to travel abroad.

In recent years, low-cost airlines have become more popular due to the high demand of people wanting to travel without the added expense of checked bags, complimentary beverages, etc. This has provided more opportunities for people to travel abroad. Thus, one could make the statement "the growth of low-cost airlines has made it easier to travel abroad." The word easier implies that traveling abroad was possible before, however, now it requires less effort. "Discount" and "budget" are synonyms for "low-cost".
ここ数年、有料の荷物預け入れや無料飲み物サービスなどなしで旅行したい人の高い需要のために、格安航空の人気が高まっています。 これは海外旅行を身近にしてくれます。ですので以下のように言うことができます。  "the growth of low-cost airlines has made it easier to travel abroad." (格安航空の成長が海外旅行を身近にしてくれた。) easierは、より簡単にしてくれるという意味です。    "Discount" や"budget" は、"low-cost"(低価格)の類義語です。
Asia J DMM英会話講師
  • "Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines."

  • "Thanks to the growth of budget airlines, it is so easy and affordable to travel abroad"

If you wanted to explain that travelling abroad has become easier thanks to the big growth of low-cost airlines, you could say either of the following: "Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines." or "Thanks to the growth of budget airlines, it is so easy and affordable to travel abroad".
格安航空の成長で海外旅行が身近になってきたことを伝えるフレーズです。 "Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines." (海外旅行は、格安航空の成長のおかげで、身近になった。)  "Thanks to the growth of budget airlines, it is so easy and affordable to travel abroad" (格安航空の成長のおかげで、海外旅行がとても身近で手頃になった。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • ""Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines."

"Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines." Due to the affordability of low-cost airlines, such as EasyJet and AirAsia, travelling aborad has become easier. It has become easier in comparision to it's cost in the past.
"Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines." (海外旅行は、格安航空の成長のおかげで、より身近になった。) イーストジェットやエアアジアのような格安航空の手軽さから、海外旅行がより身近になりました。昔の価格と比べるとより容易になりました。 
Kathy Ma DMM英会話講師
  • Low-cost airlines have made the world a smaller place

  • Low-cost airlines have opened up the world to the masses

  • Low-cost airlines have made air travel a normality rather than a luxury

Traveling abroad has become easier thanks to the growth of low-cost airlines. You can explain this by trying one of the suggested examples.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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