世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/26 11:01
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  • I'm going on vacation on a bargain airline ticket.

  • I'll travel on extremely discounted airfare.

I'm going on vacation on a bargain airline ticket. 格安航空券で旅行に行く bargain airline ticket 激安空港券 extremely discounted airfare かなりの割引金額の空港券 I'll travel on extremely discounted airfare.
  • A budget airline company!

  • They have so many low-cost seats available, but it's a no frlls outfit;-)

A budget or low-cost carrier/ low-cost airline, Sometimes also known as no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline, (or LCC) This is an airline without most of the traditional services usually provided in the fare. Resulting in lower fares and of course fewer comforts.
例:A budget airline company! 「格安航空会社」 例:They have so many low-cost seats available, but it's a no frlls outfit;-) 「安い席が沢山あるよ。見た目は良くないけどね。」 LCC(ローコストキャリア)は"budget"や"low-cost"航空会社として呼ばれたり、"with no-frills"(余計なサービスがつかない)と言われたりします。 大手航空会社が提供するような手厚いサービスはないので、安いなりに快適さでは負けてしまうかな。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I am planning to travel with a discount air ticket

I am planningは英語で「~の予定をしている/計画中」という意味になります。 格安航空券は、discount air ticket.になります。
  • I'm going to use a low cost airline

  • I'm going on a trip with a budget priced airline

  • I've got my hands on some cheap air tickets

To get one's hands on something = If you get your hands on something or lay your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it, usually after some difficulty. Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on. Budget =inexpensive, cheap, inexpensive, economy, economic, economical, low-cost, low-price, low-budget, reasonable, reasonably priced, cut-price, cut-rate "John received a budget guitar for his birthday present."
To get one's hands on something = もしあなたが何かに get your hands on somethingまたは lay your hands on somethingしたら、あなたが何かを見つけたり、なんとか手に入れる事ができたという事で、大抵困難の後にという事です。 例: Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on. ーPattyは全て手に入れた後で本を読み始めた。 Budget =安い、経済的な、お得な。 例: "John received a budget guitar for his birthday present." ージョンは彼の誕生日に安いギターをもらった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am going on a trip because the airline tickets are on special.

  • I am planning a vacation trip because the airline tickets are so cheap now.

>I am going on a trip because the airline tickets are on special. #Special=a product or service offered at a temporarily reduced price. This explains that you will be going on vacation only because the airline tickets are cheap. >I am planning a vacation trip because the airline tickets are so cheap now. This means that you are planning a trip to make use of the cheap airline tickets.
I am going on a trip because the airline tickets are on special. #Special=一時的に割引でサービスや商品を提供すること。 航空券が安いので休暇旅行にいくということを意味する表現です。 I am planning a vacation trip because the airline tickets are so cheap now. 格安航空券を使って旅行を予定しているということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going on trip and the airline ticket is dirt-cheap

*dirt-cheap (informal) >If you say that something is dirt-cheap, you are emphasizing that it is very cheap indeed. They're always selling shoes for dirt cheap. He got me a car dirt cheap. "I'm going on trip and the airline ticket is dirt-cheap."
*dirt-cheap (カジュアル) >dirt-cheapは、そのすごく安い価格を強調する言い方になります。 They're always selling shoes for dirt cheap. 彼らは靴を本当に安く売っている。 He got me a car dirt cheap. すごい安い価格で車をくれた。 "I'm going on trip and the airline ticket is dirt-cheap." 旅行に行くんだけど、航空券がすっごく安いんだ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I am planning to go on a trip using an economy class ticket.

  • I am going on vacation and I am taking advantage of the specials one airline is offering for the economy class.

An economy class seat is the cheapest you can get on any airline. This can be a big bargain if the airline is also offering specials during the period of your vacation. The other classes, first class and business class, can be quite expensive even if they may be on special. So, you may say: I am planning to go on a trip using an economy class ticket. or I am going on vacation and I am taking advantage of the specials one airline is offering for the economy class.
「economy class seat(エコノミークラスの席)」は、全ての航空会社において、最も安価な座席を指します。休暇の時に、航空会社が特別価格も提供してたら、かなりお買い得になるでしょう。「first class(ファーストクラス)」と「business class(ビジネスクラス)」では、たとえ特別価格であっても、かなり高額になるでしょう。 従って、下記のように言えます。 I am planning to go on a trip using an economy class ticket. エコノミーで旅行に行こうと思います。 I am going on vacation and I am taking advantage of the specials one airline is offering for the economy class. ある航空会社がエコノミークラスに対して提供してる特別価格を利用し、休暇に出かけます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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