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2018/07/16 21:11
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  • Can you give me an example sentence for the word ''drive''?

  • How would I use that in a sentence?

  • Can you give me some examples?

Do you have any example sentences for me? An example sentence is a sentence that is created to show how the word is used. How would I use that in a sentence? - This is another way of asking for an example sentence. How to use a certain word in a sentence.
【例文】 Do you have any example sentences for me? (例文とか教えていただけますか?) "example sentence"(例文)とはその言葉をどの様に使うか示すために、その言葉を使って作った文章の事です。 How would I use that in a sentence? (どのように文章で使いますか?) -これは例文を尋ねるもう一つの表現です。 ある言葉の文章での使い方ですね。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How do I use the word, "drive" in a sentence?

  • Can you give me some sentences using the word, "drive" in them and all of the ways it can be used?

  • I am interested in how to use the word, "drive" in different sentences. Will you give me some examples?

How do I use the word, "drive" in a sentence? Can you give me some sentences using the word, "drive" in them and all of the ways it can be used? I am interested in how to use the word, "drive" in different sentences. Will you give me some examples? The word, "drive" can be used multiple ways such as physically driving a car or bike as well as figuratively like "these kids will drive me crazy". Make sure you ask for the form you want or if you want all forms then ask for all variations of use.
How do I use the word, "drive" in a sentence?("drive" は文の中ではどのように使ったらいいですか) Can you give me some sentences using the word, "drive" in them and all of the ways it can be used?("drive" の全ての用法を例文で示してもらえますか) I am interested in how to use the word, "drive" in different sentences. Will you give me some examples?("drive" という単語がいろいろな文でどのように使われるのか知りたいです。例文を示してもらえますか) "drive" にはいろいろな意味があります。例えば、物理的に「〈車・バイクを〉運転する」や、比喩的に "these kids will drive me crazy"(この子たちのせいで頭がおかしくなる)のように。具体的にどの用法について知りたいのか、あるいはもし全ての用法が知りたいなら、その旨を伝えましょう。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Could you tell me some example sentences with the verb 'drive'

  • Could you give me some sentences using the verb 'drive'

If you are unsure how to use a verb or word then you might ask someone to give you some example sentences that way it would make more sense as to how to use it and what it means more clearly
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can you give me an example of the verb drive in a sentence?

  • How would you use that in a sentence?

  • How would you use drive in a sentence?

"Can you give me an example," is common way to request that someone explain an instance in which that word is sometimes used. "How would you", is a way of asking in what way would you possibly do this. If it has already been established that you are talking about the verb drive, you can say that. If you haven't explained which word you would like an example for already, then you would say "drive" in a sentence at the end of your "how would you" question.
"Can you give me an example" は、「例文を教えてください」の一般的な言い方です。 "How would you" は「どのように~しますか」と尋ねる言い方です。文脈から動詞の "drive" について言っていることが分かるときには、"that" が使えます。何の例文を教えてほしいかまだ説明していないなら、"How would you use drive in a sentence?" と言えます。
Staci DMM英会話講師
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