You can make use of hashtags to connect to people with the same hobbies or to find a restaurant of your type
Hashtags are useful when you want to connect to people or find restaurants
(1) You can make use of hashtags to connect to people with the same hobbies or to find restaurants of your type
'make use of ~' =「〜を使う」「〜を活用する」
'hashtags' =「ハッシュタグ」
'connect' =「繋がる」
'people with the same hobbies' =「同じ趣味を持つ人たち」
'find' =「探す」
'restaurants' =「レストラン」
'~ of your type' =「好みの〜」
(2) Hashtags are useful when you want to connect to people or find restaurants
’useful when ~' =「〜の時に便利」