世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




私は飲食店でアルバイトをしていますが、カウンター席のみなのではじめに皆さんに会計が一緒かどうか聞いています。 Will you pay together? Or seperately? と聞いていますが、中には伝わらない外国人の方もいます。 正しい言い方があれば教えてください。 また海外で割り勘は珍しいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
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2018/07/24 18:45
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  • Would you like me to split the bill or leave it as one?

To 'split the bill' means to pay separately, and to 'leave it as one' would imply that one person will pay for the entire bill.
Would you like me to split the bill or leave it as one? お支払いは別々と一緒、どちらにしましょうか? split the billは「別々に支払う」という意味です。leave it as oneは「一人が全て支払う」という意味合いです。 split = 分ける bill = 請求書 leave it = 残す as one = 一つとして
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to split the bill or pay together?

Native speakers will say like this: “Would you like to split the bill or pay together?”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Here is your total. Would you like to split the bill or pay for it together? B: We'll split it, thanks.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Would you like to split the bill or pay together?” (お支払いはご一緒ですか?個別ですか?) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: Here is your total. Would you like to split the bill or pay for it together? B: We'll split it, thanks. ↓ A: こちらが合計です。お支払いはご一緒ですか?個別ですか? B: 別々でお願いします。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be paying together or individually/seperately?

  • Would you like to pay together or seperately?

  • Would you like me to split the bill or pay together?

If you are paying for your own meal then you would say you are paying 'seperately' or 'individually' an individual is one person so means paying for yourself only When going to a restaurant you might be asked if you want to 'split the bill' this means to pay for your own meals (to split it up for what everyone has)
自分で食べたものを自分で払うなら、'paying seperately/individually'(別々に支払う)と言えます。'an individual'とは一人の人という意味です。ですから、'paying individually'で、自分の分だけ払うという意味になります。 レストランに行くと、「'split the bill'しましょうか」と尋ねられることがあるかもしれません。'split the bill'とは「割り勘にする」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be sharing the bill or paying separately?

The "bill" is what the customers will be paying and this is a way to politely ask about something that can be a difficult topic. I hope that this helps :)
bill は客が支払うものです。これは困難な話題になり得る事ですが、丁寧に聞いてます。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Will you pay together or separately?

  • Would you like me to split the check?

  • How would you like to split the check?

You can give both options by saying will you pay together or separately? You can also ask if they would like you to split the check or how they would like for you to split the check. Both of these options allow them to tell you if they would like it to pay all together or if they would rather have it split up among those in the group. If they would like it to be split up, how?
"Will you pay together or separately?"(お会計はご一緒ですか、別々ですか) と、二つの選択肢を示してもいいですし、 "Would you like me to split the check?"(お会計は別々ですか) または、 "How would you like to split the check?"(お会計はどうなさいますか) と尋ねてもいいです。 3例とも、会計を一緒にするか別々にするかを確認する言い方です。もし別々にするなら、「どのように」でしょうか。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to pay individually or together?

  • Would you like to go Dutch or pay together?

  • Would you like one bill or separate bills?

In the first example you may be asked simply if you would like to pay individually or as a group. This is especially common if you are with a group of friends. In the second example: 'To go Dutch' is an English expression borrowed from from Dutch etiquette. This is considered to be informal but is quite alright to use with friends or family but perhaps not at a business lunch or dinner. The phrase simply means to share the cost of something (especially a meal), equally among the participants. The third example is just an alternative way for ask if you want to pay using one bill or a separate bill for each person.
最初の例では、別々に支払うかそれともグループとして一緒に支払うか尋ねています。これは、特に友達グループと一緒の時によく使われます。 二つ目の例の'To go Dutch'はオランダの習慣から借りた英語表現です。これはインフォーマルですが、友達や家族に対して使うなら問題ありません。でも、ビジネスランチやビジネスディナーでは使わない方がいいかもしれません。'To go Dutch'は「〔特に食事を〕割り勘にする」という意味です。 三つ目の例は、勘定を別々にするかそれとも一緒にするか尋ねるもう一つの言い方です。
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • Shall I split the bill ?

  • Should I combine or separate the bill?

  • Would you like individual bills or should I combine them?

Shall I split the bill ? This is the quickest way to find out .Split the bill means to separate either equally or according to the individual orders. Should I combine or separate the bill? or Would you like individual bills or should I combine them? are great ways to ask politely if guests would like individual or a combined bill.
Shall I split the bill?(お会計は別にしましょうか) - これが最も簡潔な言い方です。"Split the bill"は、全員が同じ金額を支払うか、あるいはそれぞれの注文に応じて、勘定を分けることをいいます。 "Should I combine or separate the bill?"または、 "Would you like individual bills or should I combine them?" (お勘定はご一緒でよろしいですか、それとも別々にしましょうか) - これらは、勘定を一緒にするか別々にするかお客さんに尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to pay together or separately?

  • Would you like to spilt the bill or pay together?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Would you like to pay together or separately? お支払いは一緒ですか、個別ですか? ・Would you like to spilt the bill or pay together? お支払いは個別ですか、一緒ですか? pay together で「一緒に払う」を表現することができます。 ご提案いただいた Will you pay together? Or separately? と言うのももちろん問題ありません。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Would you like to pay together or separately?

Would you like to pay together or separately? お支払いはご一緒ですか、それとも別々ですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 pay together - 一緒に支払う pay separately - 別々で支払う ぜひ使ってみてください。
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