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8月中〜が続くという言い方がわかりません。 throughout Augustでいいのでしょうか。
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2018/07/25 07:07
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  • This heat will persist throughout August.

  • This heat will carry on through August.

This heat persists throughout August. This heat will carry on through August. throughout, throughどちらでもいいと思いますが、厳密にはthroughoutのほうが隅々までまでというニュアンスを含んでいます。
Natsuka K 英語講師
  • This heat will continue throughout August

  • This heat will continue all through August

  • This heat will continue right through August

...throughout August でOKです。 Throughout はずっとって意味が含まれてます。 Through のみ使うとずっとって意味が含まれてないので all などを前に付け加えると良いです。
  • It's going to be like this until the end of August

  • We can expect this heat for another month yet

Well it is not a pleasant role to be a harbinger of doom, but if you are pretty sure of the weather forecast, then it may be appropriate to use either of the two example sentences above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This warmth proceeds all through August.

  • This heat will bear on through August.

  • This warmth will continue through August.

This heat will continue throughout August. It is OK to use the word "throughout". Throughout can mean any course of period.
この暑さは8月中続きます 「throughout」が使えます。 「throughout」は「(~の間)ずっと」という意味があります。
Kiara C DMM英会話講師
  • This heat will continue throughout August

  • This heat will persist in August

If something carries on or does not change then as well as saying simply to 'continue' you can also use the term to 'persist' If you are talking about something happening all through the month or day then the term is 'throughout'
何かが続くことや変わらないことは、'continue' の他に、'persist' でも表せます。 「一月ずっと」や「一日中ずっと」は 'throughout' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The heat will remain through August.

  • The heat will continue all the way through August

The heat will remain through August. Is a simple way of explaining to the other person that the heat will be strong and ongoing all the way through August. The heat will continue all the way through August. Is a way to say that the heat will continue relentlessly for some time. Example; This heat will continue all the way through August!
The heat will remain through August.(暑さは8月中続きます) は、シンプルな言い方です。「暑さは8月中続きます」と伝えています。 The heat will continue all the way through August.(暑さは8月中続きます) は、「暑さはしばらくの間しつこく続く」と伝える言い方です。 例: This heat will continue all the way through August! (この暑さは8月中続きます)
Anastasia DMM英会話講師
  • I think that this heatwave will end in August.

I think that- This shows that it is someones opinion about the subject matter that will be spoken about. This heatwave- This is the subject that the person is talking about. Will end in August- It is letting us know his or her opinion again. This is a very formal way of giving ones opinion. By putting it this way you can use it in every situation no matter the place that you find yourself in especially if its a formal environment. It will be a phrase that wow's your friends.
I think that- これは、話し手がこれからあるテーマについて意見を言うことを表します。 This heatwave- これが話のテーマです。 Will end in August- これは話し手の意見です。 これは人に意見を伝えるときの非常にフォーマルな言い方です。このような言い方をすることで、どんな場面でも(特にフォーマルな場面で)使える文になります。友達をうならせるようなフレーズです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • This heat will carry on until the end of August.

  • I can assure you that this heat will be with us throughout August.

The phrasal verb 'carry on' means to continue or 'keep on'. So, if the heat is going to 'carry on' unitil the end of August, it means that it won't stop until the end of August. The verb to 'assure' means to tell someone with confidence that what you are telling him/her is true and that they should not doubt it. If you say 'this heat will be with us throughout August', you actually mean that the heat continue or carry on until the end of August. So, if you are telling somebody about the current harsh weather, you may say: This heat will carry on until the end of August. or I can assure you that this heat will be with us throughout August.
句動詞の 'carry on' は「継続する/続く」という意味です。ですから、"this heat will carry on until the end of August" は、その暑さが8月中続くことを表します。 動詞の 'assure' は「~であると断言する」という意味です。 'this heat will be with us throughout August' は、その暑さが8月中続くことを表します。 その時の厳しい暑さについて伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 This heat will carry on until the end of August. (この暑さは8月中続きます) I can assure you that this heat will be with us throughout August. (この暑さは8月中続きます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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