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2018/10/25 12:31
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  • I love winter but, shoveling snow sucks!

1.) I like winter but, shoveling snow sucks! (雪は好きだけど、雪かきが最低!) 好きは英語の直訳でlikeですが、もしすごく好きのはloveの方が似ている言葉です。それと何かが大変な時はやりたくないので、最低にしなければなりません。それでsucks (最低)に意訳しました。この文は若い人が普通に言います。 <ボキャブラリー> winter = 冬 shoveling snow = 雪かき
  • I love winter but shoveling snow is such a bother!

  • Winter would be great if it there wasn't need to shovel snow!

I love winter but shoveling snow is such a bother! 冬は好きだけど雪かきは面倒だよね! 最初の文は「冬は好きだけど雪かきは面倒だよね!」になります。ここは「bother」の他にも「pain」など使えます、こういう場合の「pain」は痛みそのままの意訳ではなくニュアンス的な使い勝手で。 Winter would be great if it there wasn't need to shovel snow! 雪かきする必要さえなければ冬は素晴らしいのにね! 次の例は少し言い方を変えて「雪かきする必要さえなければ冬は素晴らしいのにね」や「冬は良いよね、雪かきする必要さえなきゃ」と言う受け取り方もあります。
  • I love the winter season, but hate snow shovelling.

  • I don't like shovelling snow, but don't mind the cold.

"I love the winter season, but hate snow shovelling." This is a great way of showing the two extremes of what you love and hate. "I don't like shovelling snow, but don't mind the cold." In this response you explain your dislike towards shovelling snow, but explain that you're okay with the cold weather that comes during the winter.
"I love the winter season, but hate snow shovelling."(冬の季節は好きだけど、雪かきは嫌いです) - これは、好きなものと嫌いなものを伝えるすごく良い言い方です。 "I don't like shovelling snow, but don't mind the cold."(雪かきは好きじゃないけど寒さは気になりません) - ここでは、雪かきは好きではないけど冬の寒さは気にならないと伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I like winter but shovelling snow is a nightmare

  • I like winter but shovelling snow is such a chore!

The snow can be beautiful but if it snows alot then it can cause alot of hassle as well so needs to be cleared or shovelled away this can be tiring and a pain to do If something is hard work then it is said to be a 'chore' or a 'nightmare'
雪は美しいですが、たくさん降ると雪かきが必要になり、これは大変な仕事ですから厄介ですね。 何かが重労働であるなら、それは 'chore'(面倒な作業)や 'nightmare'(悪夢)と表すことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I like winter and the snow but shoveling snow annoys me

  • Apart from shoveling snow I enjoy the winter season

"I like winter and the snow but shoveling snow annoys me" very easy and casual phrase, using the term 'Annoys me' is similar to 'irritates' and 'bugs me' because it is something that you do not want to do. "Apart from shoveling snow I enjoy the winter season" A bit more formal way of forming the sentence, using 'Apart from' this singles out the fact, the fact in this case is shoveling snow. So this means if it wasn't for Shoveling snow I'd love winter
"I like winter and the snow but shoveling snow annoys me"(冬と雪は好きだけど、雪かきは面倒くさい) = シンプルでカジュアルなフレーズです。'annoys me' は 'irritates me' や 'bugs me' に近いです、やりたくないことを表します。 "Apart from shoveling snow I enjoy the winter season"(雪かき以外は冬は楽しい) = 少しフォーマルな言い方です。'Apart from' は事実を抜き出します。この場合それは "shoveling snow"(雪かき)です。ですから、この文は「雪かきがなければ冬は大好きだ」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Even though I love winter, shovelling snow is so tiring

  • I like winter but I'm tired with shovelling snow

  • I like winter, but I don't want to shovell snow anymore

Using 'even though' at the start of a sentence suggests the two following components are opposites but one is a result of the other, often representing a like and dislike. In this sentence you love winter and you simultaneously dislike shovelling the show that winter causes. The snow is a result of Winter. Another example: 'Even though working at a restaurant is good for my CV, I don't like having to serve food.' 'To be tired of' is an expression meaning that you are bored or dislike doing something and want to stop doing it. It suggests in the past you may have enjoyed this activity. Another example: 'I'm tired of cleaning the house all day'
文頭の 'even though' は、 ・それに続く二つの節が正反対のことであること(しばしば好きなことと嫌いなこと)、 ・しかし一方がもう一方の結果であること、 を表します。 この文では、冬は好きだけど冬がもたらす雪をかく作業は好きでないわけです。雪は冬の結果です。 別の例: 'Even though working at a restaurant is good for my CV, I don't like having to serve food.' (レストランの仕事は履歴書に有利になるけど、食べ物を出さないといけないのが好きじゃない) 'to be tired of' は「~に飽きた/~が苦手でやめたい」という意味です。これは「以前は好きだったかもしれない」というニュアンスです。 別の例: 'I'm tired of cleaning the house all day'(一日中家の掃除をするのはもううんざり)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • Winter in Tohoku is fantastic, although shovelling the snow is annoying.

  • I love winter in Tohoku, but the one downside if having to shovel the snow.

Using the word "although" suggests that there is a contradicting opinion, or aspect of doing something. "The downside" is an expression to say a negative aspect of something.
"Although" は物事の相反する側面や相反する意見を表します。 "The downside" は、物事の否定的な側面を表します。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I love everything about winter, apart from shovelling snow!

This is a good way of putting together two things that you like and dislike. it provides a good description of winter for someone who has not experienced it before by preparing them for the unfortunate reality of shovelling snow.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I really like winter but I dislike having to shovel snow

  • I like winter but I hate shoveling snow.

When you want to explain that you like winter but shoveling snow is tiring or bothers you; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I really like winter but I dislike having to shovel snow -I like winter but I hate shoveling snow.
「冬は好きだけど雪かきは大変(あるいは面倒)だ」は、次のように言えます。 -I really like winter but I dislike having to shovel snow(冬は大好きだけど雪かきは嫌いです) -I like winter but I hate shoveling snow.(冬は好きだけど雪かきは大嫌いです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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