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manicuristとnail technicianはどちらがpopularな言い方ですか?
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2018/11/24 20:02
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  • Nailist

詳しくは無いですが、多分「Nailist」で通じると思います。 確か、元カノが「Nailist」を勤めていたんですが、彼女は「Nail technician」だと主張していました。 Manicurist は聞いたことがありません。 例文: - I work at a nail salon as a nailist
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • nail stylist

  • nail technician

In American English, both of these terms can be used to talk about someone who treats nails. For example My nail stylist is from Vietnam. Did your nail technician tell you how to take care of your nails? I hope that this helps :)
-nail stylist -nail technician アメリカ英語では、どちらも、爪の施術をする人を表します。 例: My nail stylist is from Vietnam. 私のネイリストは、ベトナム出身です。 Did your nail technician tell you how to take care of your nails? ネイリストの人はどうやって爪を手入れしたらいいか教えてくれましたか? お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • nail technician

  • manicurist

nail technicianもmanicuristもどっちも使われていますが、個人的な好みとして私はnail technicianの方がオススメです。 なんとなくmanicuristはマニキュアしかできないように聞こえるので。nail technicianの方がネイルに関係していること、色々できるように聞こえます。 pedicuristというのも聞いたことありますが、pedicure(フット)しかできないのかわからないけど、やっぱりネイル関係(フット・ハンド)幅広い仕事ができる人はnail technicianの方がいいんじゃないかと思います。
Rose 日本語能力試験N1(一級)の英語講師・日英翻訳者
  • manicurist

  • nail technician

The two nouns you see above are the words we use to refer to someone who styles and paints nails for a living. Although a manicurist refers to this kind of person it is common that they know other things as well, such as how to do pedicures and other treatments related to beauty.
上記はどちらも、爪に装飾を施す仕事をする人を表す名詞です。 'manicurist'(ネイリスト)は、この種の仕事をする人を表しますが、ペディキュアなど他の美容に関する手入れも知っていることが多いです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Nail artist

  • Nail technician

  • Nailist

A person that works on decorating nails can be called any of the above, they can also be called Manicurists. A nail artist makes sure your nails look beautiful and healthy. Nailists shape, color, and even style nails. They work from a salon or privately, from home.
爪の装飾をする人のことは上記のように言えます。ほかに、"Manicurist" と呼ばれることもあります。 "Nail artist" は爪を美しく健康的に見えるようにする人をいいます。 "Nailist" は爪の形を整えたりマニキュアを塗ったり、あるいはスタイリングをする人をいいます。 サロンで働く人もいれば、自宅で個人で仕事をしている人もいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Nail technicians / Manicurists

  • Beauticians

  • Cosmetologists

Nail technicians / Manicurists These are people who specifically do manicures (beautifying hands) and pedicures (beautifying feet). Beauticians do manicures, pedicures and eyebrow shaping as well as apply make-up professionally. A Cosmetologist does all of the above including styling your hair as well as hair removal.
Nail technicians / Manicurists これらは、特にマニキュア(手を美しくする)とペディキュア(足を美しくする)をする人のことを指します。 Beauticianは、マニキュアやペディキュア、眉を整えたり、プロとしてメイクアップもします。 Cosmetologistは、脱毛と髪のスタイリングを加えた上記の全てをする人です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • A cosmetologist.

A cosmetologist deals with cosmetics. This is anywhere from hair styling and make up, to manicures and pedicures (facials, and cuticle care (deals with nails)).
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Beautician

  • Manicurist

"Beautician" Is the term used for someone who not only styles nails but also make up, face cleansing etc "Manicurist" More used for someone who works by styling and taking care of hands and nails.
"Beautician"(美容師)は、爪のスタイリングだけでなくメイクアップや洗顔なども行う人をいいます。 "Manicurist"(ネイリスト)は、手や爪の手入れやスタイリングをする人をいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • manicurist

  • nail technician

「ネイリスト」は、他のアンカーの方も回答してらっしゃる通り、 manucuristまたはnail technicianと言います。 nailistというのは、私の知る限りでは、和製英語であり、標準的な英語ではありません。 以上です・ 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • A nail technician

  • Manicurist

In the UK, a nail technician would usually solely be involved with the application of false nails to the hands. Of course, this may include some basic manicuring skills such as removing cuticles and preparing the real nail in advance of the fake nail being applied. The nail technician may also be able to give a manicure to the hands, though that is not the sole aim of this field of work. A manicurist would usually not be involved with the application of false nails, but rather the health and appearance of one's real nails and hands. The derivation of this word probably comes from the Latin for 'hand' which is 'manibus.' The equivalent occupation which involves the feet would be: 'pedicurist'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Manicurist.

  • Nail technician.

Here is an example of a dialogue: I am looking for a good manicurist in this area, do you have any suggestions? Yeah you could see Amy, I have been using her for years, she does a really good job, her rates are reasonable too. Okay great, I will try get a slot booked with her tomorrow.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Nail technician

  • Manicurist

What do you think about my new nails? They are pretty fancy, I like them. There is a new nail technician at my place, you should try her out. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Nail artist

  • Nail technician

You can use any of the above two phrases if you are unsure about what to call someone who styles and does nails. Examples; - Every month I do my nails at my trusted nail artist. - I love my nail technician, she always outdoes herself.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Nail stylist

  • Manicure

  • Manicurist

- A person who styles, shapes and decorates someone's nails is called a, "nail stylist." - "A manicure," is when you get your nails done by a nail stylist. - In this sense, "a manicurist," could also be a name for someone who does this.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • A Nailist

  • A nail stylist

  • Manicurist

A nailist: Is simply someone who treats and cares for peoples nails. A Nail stylist example sentence: My nail stylist is from Thailand and she is very good at her job. Manicurist example sentence: My mother is a professional manicurist and she opened her first nail shop close to our home.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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