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2019/01/24 19:57
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  • English grammar is hard.

  • English grammar is difficult.

「英語の文法は難しいです」は"English grammar is hard. "や"English grammar is difficult. "で大丈夫です。 英語の文法はわかりにくいです。 English grammar is hard to understand. 英語を学ぶのは楽しいが文法が難しいです。 English is fun but the grammar is difficult/hard. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • English grammar is difficult.

英語の文法は難しいですを翻訳したら、"English grammar is difficult" になります。 English grammarとは「英語の文法」という意味です。English's grammarとは言えないので、注意ください。 そして、is difficultとは「難しいです」を指します。和文は現在形で書いているので、"is" を使いました。過去形なら "was" に変わることができます。例えば、English grammar was difficult, but now it's easy 「英語の文法は難しかったけど、今は簡単です。」
  • English grammar is hard.

  • English grammar is not easy.

  • English grammar is difficult.

When you want to communicate that something is not easy to understand or practice, you can say it is 'difficult', 'hard', or 'not easy'. Easy is the opposite of 'difficult' but when we put the word 'not' in front of it, it becomes negative with a 'no' meaning. English grammar is not easy.
「〔行う[理解する]のが〕難しい」は 'difficult' や 'hard' 'not easy' で表せます。 'easy' は「簡単な」という意味ですが、'not' を加えるとその反対の意味を表します。 English grammar is not easy. (英文法は簡単ではない)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • I struggle with English grammar

  • I find that English grammar is difficult.

Struggle' often used to describe when having difficulties with something, 'I'm struggling with English grammar' 'I struggle to get up in the morning' "I find that English grammar is difficult." a more formal way of expressing you have difficulties with the English Grammar.
Struggle' は「~に苦労する」の意味です。 'I'm struggling with English grammar'(英文法が苦手で苦労している) 'I struggle to get up in the morning'(朝起きるのが苦手です) "I find that English grammar is difficult."(英文法は難しいです)は「英文法で苦労している」のよりフォーマルな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Grammar is the hardest part of learning English!

Most people that are learning English, they would all agree that grammar is the most difficult. Most of them would say that English has too many rules and that the spelling for most words are different from the way we say these words. What is the hardest part of learning English? "In my opinion, grammar is the hardest part of learning English!"
ほとんどの英語学習者が、文法が最も難しいと感じると思います。「英語にはルールが多すぎる」とか「英単語はスペルと発音が違う」のように感じるのではないのでしょうか。 What is the hardest part of learning English?(英語学習において最も難しいところはどこですか) "In my opinion, grammar is the hardest part of learning English!"(個人的には文法が英語を学ぶ上で最も難しいと思います)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • English grammar is hard.

  • I struggle with English grammar.

Hard is another word for difficult so the first example would be similar to saying " English grammar is difficult". if your struggling in something it means having difficulties doing it.
"hard" は "difficult"(難しい)の別の言い方です。ですから一つ目の例は "English grammar is difficult"(英文法は難しい)に近いです。 "to struggle" は「苦労する」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I struggle with English grammar.

  • English grammar is tricky for me.

  • I am not good with English grammar, it is hard for me.

To explain that English grammar is difficult, use the sentences above. Learning a new language can be difficult, English grammar can be tricky and hard to understand when you are not accustomed to it. "English is fun to learn but the grammar is difficult." Struggle: when doing something is difficult, not being able to do something easily. Tricky: complicated, not easy.
「英文法は難しい」は、上記のように言えます。 外国語を学ぶことは簡単ではありません、英文法は慣れていないとなかなか理解するのが難しいことがあります。 "English is fun to learn but the grammar is difficult."(英語の勉強は楽しいですが、文法は難しいです) Struggle: 難しいこと、簡単にできないこと Tricky: 複雑な、簡単でない
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • English grammar poses considerable challenges for me

  • English grammar is pooh!

  • I can't get my head round English grammar!

You think English grammar is difficult and wish to share your thoughts on this subject. Above are some examples of how you might do that. To 'get one's head around something' means to understand something. (It should be spelt 'poo' but the audio doesn't read that correctly)
英文法を難しいと感じていて、それについて説明したいということですね。上記の文を使うことができます。 'get one's head around something' は「~を理解する」という意味です。 ('poo' とつづるべきですが、それだと音声機能が正しく認識しないので)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • English grammar can be hard.

  • I find it difficult to understand English grammar.

  • The hardest part of the English language is learning grammar.

These are all acceptable ways to express that learning English grammar can be quite difficult. We can use synonyms to convey this such as 'hard', 'complicated', 'tricky' etc.
どれも「英文法は難しい」と伝える言い方です。 ここでは、'hard' 'complicated' 'tricky' などの同義語を用いることができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I find it hard to get English grammar right

  • English grammar is so challenging

"I find it...." explains your opinion about something. "challenging" another word for difficult.
"I find it...." は、話し手の意見を伝えます。 "challenging" は 'difficult'(難しい)の別の言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I am not good with English grammar.

  • Its difficult to grasp English grammar

  • .

Grasp-understand something, especially something difficult.
Grasp -〔特に難しいことを〕理解する
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • English Grammar is difficult.

  • It id difficult to understand English Grammar.

  • English Grammar is hard.

Grammar is the system and structure of a language. Many people find English Grammar is difficult or hard to understand in the beginning, but like all things, it becomes easier with practice, especially when you start to see certain patterns appearing in the system or structure of that language, in this case, English.
Franji DMM英会話講師
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