ピクルスはそのまま pickles です。
アメリカでは pickles と言うとキュウリのピクルスが一番に浮かびます。
ハンバーガーのピクルスを抜いて欲しい場合は、”without pickles” と伝えてください。
Can I have a cheeseburger without pickles?
「ピクルス」は英語で pickles と言います。キュウリの場合はイギリスでは gherkin と言います。
I'm not a fan of pickled eggs. 茹で卵のピクルスが好きじゃないです。Not a fan of は「〜が嫌い」という意味です。
I made some pickled carrots. (私は)人参のピクルスを作ったよ。
In a pickle というイディオムもあります。「困っている」という意味です。例えば、I'm in a bit of a pickle, I left my key inside the house and now I can't get inside.
In England, pickled eggs are super popular.
I eat pickles everyday
Pickled carrots are surprisingly delicious
Cucumbers that have been placed in vinegar are called pickles. There are 2 common types of pickles, Dill which are a bit sour and Sweet Pickle which have been made in sugar.
Example Sentences:
"Do you like sweet or dill pickles?"
"Many people like to have dill pickles on thier hamburgers."
"Please pass the pickles."
Some people like pickles on their hamburgers, but I think that they are too sour.
Cucumbers that are stored in a vinegar-based solution for a long time are called 'pickles.' Putting something in a vinegar-based solution to help preserve it is a process known as 'pickling' (to pickle).
EX) Some people like pickles on their hamburgers, but I think that they are too sour.
Gherkins are a type of small cucumber which is commonly preserved in a jar and is a supermarket favourite for snack lovers. The process is known as 'pickling' and of course other types of vegetable may also be pickled..such as tomatoes, olives, onions etc.
"Could you pick up a jar of pickled gherkins from the supermarket for me please?"
What is a pickle?
Well, a relish consisting of vegetables or fruit preserved in vinegar or brine
A difficult situation: I am in a pickle.
But I am pretty sure you what to know about the food.
Try one out, and see how you get on.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Pickles are made by placing cucumbers in vinegar, this helps preserve them for a longer period of time. It is common for pickles to be sold in jars. Pickles are also a common ingredient on many burgers at fast food restaurants, etc.
1. Pickled gherkin
A pickled gherkin is basically a very small cucumber that it used
for pickling. Pickling means preserving food in a mixture of salt, spices
and vinegar.
2. Dill pickles
Dill pickles are also tiny cucumbers that have been pickled in a salt and
vinegar mixture with the addition of some dill. Dills are herbs from the
parsley family that add great flavor to salads.
A, "pickle," is a cucumber that is stored in vinegar for a very long time. This action happening can be said with the verb, "to pickle," which describes putting anything in a vinegar solution.
Example sentence :
- I love eating pickles, but they give me heart-burn.
- My mom likes to make her own pickles at home.
You can use any of the above two words to describe what is seen in the picture.
- I hate pickles.
- I hate gherkins.
- I always take the pickles off of my burgers.