世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/02/25 21:00
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  • My roommate, who went to Europe, came back yesterday.

  • My roommate, who traveled to Europe, returned yeasterday.

どちらでもいいです! roommate = ルームメイト to come back = to return = 帰る to travel = 旅行する *roommate who went/traveled to Europe = ヨーロッパに行ってた/旅行してたルームメイト 役に立てば嬉しいです!
  • My room mate just came back from a European trip yesterday

If your room mate was travelling around Europe and came back yesterday, you can explain that as indicated above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Arrived

  • Came back

  • Returned

We can use the words "arrive" or "come back" for when someone returned back to a place where they started from. Arrived My roommate arrived from his travels to Europe yesterday! Came back Yesterday, my roommate came back from his travels to Europe! Returned My roommate returned yesterday from his vacation in Europe!
人が元いた場所に戻ってくることは "arrive" や "come back" で表せます。 Arrived My roommate arrived from his travels to Europe yesterday! (ヨーロッパに旅行に行っていたルームメートが昨日帰ってきました) Came back Yesterday, my roommate came back from his travels to Europe! (ヨーロッパに旅行に行っていたルームメートが昨日帰ってきました) Returned My roommate returned yesterday from his vacation in Europe! (休暇でヨーロッパに行っていたルームメートが昨日帰ってきました)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My roommate arrived back home yesterday from travelling around Europe

  • Returned

  • Came back

"My roommate arrived back home yesterday from travelling around Europe" you're able to mix up and adapt the sentence using different adverbs. "My roommate arrived back home yesterday from travelling around Europe" "My roommate came back home yesterday from travelling around Europe" "My roommate arrived returned home yesterday from travelling around Europe"
"My roommate arrived back home yesterday from travelling around Europe"(ルームメートが昨日ヨーロッパ旅行から帰ってきました) 別の副詞を使って言い換えることもできます。 "My roommate arrived back home yesterday from travelling around Europe" "My roommate came back home yesterday from travelling around Europe" "My roommate arrived returned home yesterday from travelling around Europe" (ルームメートが昨日ヨーロッパ旅行から帰ってきました)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • My roommate who was traveling Europe came back yesterday

  • My roommate returned yesterday from traveling in Europe

If you come back from somewhere then you are said to 'return' or to 'come back' Someone you share your flat or house with is called your 'roommate' yesterday means the day before today
「〔どこどこ〕から戻る」は 'return' や 'come back' で表すことができます。 同じアパートや家に住んでいる相手のことは 'roommate' といいます。 'yesterday' は今日の前の日のことです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My roommate left to travel Europe and came back yesterday.

  • Yesterday, my roommate returned from his/her trip to Europe.

My roommate left to travel Europe and came back yesterday. This answer is as simple as it seems. There is no room for confusion, because you are saying that the person who left, was your roommate. You are also saying where they were, what they were doing there and exactly when they arrived home. Yesterday, my roommate returned from his/her trip to Europe. The same as the first answer, this sentence has the same meaning. If you return from somewhere, you come back. So again, you are confirming that your roommate came back from a European trip the previous day.
My roommate left to travel Europe and came back yesterday.(ヨーロッパを旅行していたルームメートが昨日戻ってきた) この回答は非常にシンプルです。誤解の余地はありません。誰が(ルームメート)どこに(ヨーロッパ)何をしに行き(旅行)いつ戻ってきたのか(昨日)を明確に伝えています。 Yesterday, my roommate returned from his/her trip to Europe.(昨日ルームメートがヨーロッパ旅行から戻ってきた) この文は一つ目と同じ意味です。"return" は "come back"(戻ってくる)の意味です。 「昨日ルームメートがヨーロッパ旅行から戻ってきた」と伝えています。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • My roommate has returned from Europe.

  • My roommate is back from her time in Europe.

  • After travelling in Europe my roommate has returned home.

"has Returned" is a more formal way of speaking. "is back" is a more causal way of speaking.
"has Returned"(戻る)はフォーマルな言い方です。 "is back"(戻る)はよりカジュアルな言い方です。
Jolene K DMM英会話講師
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