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2019/06/30 20:23
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  • Chihuahua

こんにちは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 チワワは英語で “Chihuahua” と言います。 When I was small we had a brown colored chihuahua at home. - 子供のころ家で茶色のチワワを飼っていた 役に立つと幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。
  • Chihuahua

Chihuahua's might be quite aggressive little dogs, with lots of character. They are named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua. They come in a variety of colours, from light to dark in colour.
Chihuahua'(チワワ)は、体の小さな個性的な犬で、時に攻撃的な面もあります。 名前の由来はメキシコのチワワ州です。 色は薄いものから濃いものまでさまざまです。
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • This is a chihuahua.

  • Chuh-waa-wuh

Being the smallest breed of dog, the Chihuahua is named after the Mexican state of the same name. Chihuahua's are the 4th most popular dog breed in the world. They can have various fur colors and coat thickness.
世界で最も小さな犬種である "Chihuahua"(チワワ)は、メキシコにある同名の州からその名がつけられました。 "Chihuahua" は世界で4番目に人気のある犬種です。固体によってさまざまな毛の色、長さのものがいます。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Chihuahua

  • I love my Chihuahua because he is a lapdog

This dog is known as a Chihuahua, which is also the name of one of the Mexican States. They can be very loud dogs, aggressive and they bark a lot. They are very small and loyal. They come in different variety of colours. A lapdog is a dog that is very small and usually likes to lie on one's lap which is the part of your legs between your thighs and your knees.
この犬は "Chihuahua"(チワワ)といいます。メキシコには同じ名前の州がありますね。チワワはよくほえて、警戒心が強く攻撃的なところもあります。体はとても小さく、性格はとても従順です。いろいろな色のものがいます。 "Lapdog" は、とても小さく、膝に乗るのが好きな犬のことです。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Chihuahua

The dog is called a "chihuahua". Chihuahuas are very small dogs that can be very aggressive. You may use this word in a sentence in the following ways: -My daughter is turning sixteen and wants a chihuahua as a birthday gift -Chihuahuas maybe small but they are very aggressive dogs.
この犬は "chihuahua"(チワワ)といいます。 "chihuahua" は体のとても小さな犬で、攻撃的な面も持ちます。 文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -My daughter is turning sixteen and wants a chihuahua as a birthday gift(娘がもうすぐ16歳になるのですが、誕生日プレゼントにチワワをほしがっています) -Chihuahuas maybe small but they are very aggressive dogs.(チワワは小さいですが、とても攻撃的な犬です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "Chihuahua"

In English, we would refer to this breed of dog as a "Chihuahua". Chihuahua's are a very small and popular breed of dog. Many Chihuahua's are known for having an almost aggressive nature. They are among one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world. Example: I really want to buy a Chihuahua.
英語ではこの犬種は "Chihuahua"(チワワ)と呼ばれます。チワワはとても体の小さな犬種で、人気もあります。チワワは、攻撃性があることでも知られています。世界で最も人気のある犬種の一つです。 例: I really want to buy a Chihuahua. (チワワを買いたい)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Chihuahua

We would call this dog breed a, "Chihuahua," which is pronouned, "chi wa wa." This dog was named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Example sentences : - My best friend loves Chihuahua's. - I have a Chihuahua and his name is Bobby.
この犬種は英語では "Chihuahua" といいます。発音は "chi wa wa" です。この名前の由来はメキシコのチワワ州です。 例文: - My best friend loves Chihuahua's.(私の親友がチワワが大好きです) - I have a Chihuahua and his name is Bobby.(チワワを飼っています。名前はボビーです)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Chihuahua

  • I have a Chihuahua

A chihuahua is a very common dog breed in the UK and all across the world. They are a very small dog breed and can often be referred to as a 'lap dog' This dog breed is named after the American Mexican state of Chihuahua. These Chihuahua's come in various colours, they are very cute to look at but have often been reported to be aggressive.
"Chihuahua"(チワワ)はイギリスを含め世界中でとても一般的な犬種です。体が小さいためしばしば 'lap dog' と呼ばれます。 "Chihuahua" の由来はメキシコにあるチワワ州です。 "Chihuahua"(チワワ)にはいろいろな色のものがいます。見た目はとてもかわいいですが、攻撃性があることでも知られます。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Chihuahua.

A chihuahua is a very small breed of dog that has short length fur. These dogs are normally very friendly and good family dogs and are loved by many people around the world.
"Chihuahua" はとても体が小さく、毛の短い犬種です。 "Chihuahua" は普段はとても人懐こく、家で飼うにも適していて、世界中の多くの人から愛されています。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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