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2016/05/15 11:02
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  • How long will it take to get my passport reissued?

時間(期間)がどれくらいかかるのか聞きたいときは、How long~?で聞きます。 How long will it take? で、どれくらい時間がかかりますか、となります。 お金がかかると言いたいときは、take ではなくcostを使います。 How much will it cost?で、どれくらいお金がかかりますか、となります。 再発行にお金はいくらかかるのか聞きたい場合は、 How much will it cost to get my passport reissued? です。 これも一緒に覚えておくと便利ですね。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • Do you know how long it will take to receive my new passport?

  • About how long will it take before my new passport arrives?

If you start the question with "do you know~," that gives the person a chance to say either "yes" or "no." In the case that they don't know how much time it will take to get your passport back, usually they will find someone who does. If you ask "about" how long will something take, it gives the person a chance to give an estimate. It's not putting pressure on the person you are asking to give an exact date.
do you knowから尋ねればyes/noの答えが返ってきます。パスポートがどれくらいで戻ってくるのかわからなければ、恐らく誰かに尋ねてきてくれるでしょうね。 aboutで時間を尋ねればその人の予想解答が返ってくるでしょう。決して高圧的な言い方ではないです。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • What's the waiting time for a replacement passport?

  • How long does it take to replace a passport?

When something is scheduled to be a period of time in the preparation process, or you are simply waiting for something to be despatched, you could ask: "What's the waiting time here, please?" Alternatively, you could start the query with "How long...?" "How long does it take to get from London to Manchester?
準備期間を経た何かが行われるまでの時間がスケジュールされているとき、またはただ単に新しいものが出回るのを待っているだけならこう尋ねることができます。 "What's the waiting time here, please?" 待ち時間はどれくらいですか? またはhow longで尋ねることもできます。 "How long does it take to get from London to Manchester? ロンドンからマンチェスターまではどれくらいかかりますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the passport reissue date?

  • How long does the passport reissue procedure take?

  • When will my passport be ready?

"What is the passport reissue date?" By asking for the date, you will have a clear answer on when the passport will be done and how long it will take. "How long does the passport reissue procedure take?" 'Procedure' is the way something is done or gets done. By asking for the procedure time you are asking how long it will take for the passport to be completed and done. "When will my passport be ready?" This is a straight forward and easy way of asking when your new passport will be done and ready for collection. I hope this helps :)
“What is the passport reissue date?”(パスポート再発行日付はいつですか?) 日付を尋ねることでそのパスポートがいつ再発行されるか、再発行までどのくらいの日数がかかるかを明確に知ることができます。”How long does the passport reissue procedure take?” (パスポート再発行手続きはどのくらい長くかかりますか?) “Procedure”は何かが行われる過程です。処理時間を尋ねることはパスポートが完成するまでどのくらいの期間がかかるかを尋ねることと同様です。”When will my passport be ready?”(私のパスポートはいつ完成しますか?) これはいつパスポートが完成して受け取り可能であるのかを尋ねることができる直球で簡単な言い方です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Passport reissue

  • Passport renewal

We use the words "how long", when trying to get information on the time period of something. "How long until I get my new passport?" "How long do I wait for the reissue?" "What is the waiting time for a passport reissue?"
how longという言葉は、何かがどれくらいかかるかを尋ねるときに使います。 "How long until I get my new passport?" 新しいパスポートができるまでどれくらいですか? "How long do I wait for the reissue?" 再発行までどれくらいかかりますか? "What is the waiting time for a passport reissue?" パスポートの再発行の待ち時間はどれくらいですか?
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • How long will it take?

  • How long will it take to renew my passport?

"How long will it take?" This simply just asks how long the process will take. "How long will it take to renew my passport?" This asks how long it will take for them to give you a new passport.
"How long will it take?" この文は、単純に作業にどれくらい時間が掛かるかを聞いています。 "How long will it take to renew my passport?" これは、新しいパスポートを発行してもらえるまでに掛かる時間を尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How long will it take to reissue my passport?

  • How long will it take for my passport to arrive?

How long will it take to reissue my passport? - 'How long will it take....' - is a good way of asking someone the length of time it waill take for something to happen. other examples...'How long will it take to get to London?', 'How long is the flight?'. 'To reissue'- means to send out something again. We use the word 'reissue' when we talk about sending something again How long will it take for my passport to arrive? - another way to ask the same question is to ask 'When will my passport arrive?'. You are asking 'how long will it take to arrive?'. Both questions give you an indication of how long your passport will take before it is ready
How long will it take to reissue my passport? - 'How long will it take....' - これは、どの位の期間(時間)が掛かるかを聞くのに良い表現です。 その他の例文 'How long will it take to get to London?'(ロンドンに着くまでどれくらい掛かりますか?), 'How long is the flight?'(飛行時間はどれ位ですか?) 'To reissue'- 再び送付するという意味です。 再送信、再発行などに'reissue'という語彙を使います。 How long will it take for my passport to arrive? - 上記のフレーズは'When will my passport arrive?'という文に替えて表現することもできます。 「届くまでどれ位の期間が掛かりますか?」という意味で、この二つの文はパスポートが出来るまでに掛かる時間を知るためのものです。
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • How long will it take?

  • When should I receive a new passport?

  • When will you reissue my new passport?

"How long will it take?" gives the opportunity for them to detail what will happen through the procedure, but should be able to give you a time frame i.e. four days, one week, a month. "When should I receive a new passport?" means that they can factor in sending time if it through the post, so the passport could take 4 days, but another 2 days to get to you through the post. "When will you reissue my new passport?" is similar to the first example, but instead of a timeframe, they can give you a date i.e. in 3 days, on Tuesday.
"How long will it take?" どのくらいかかりますか? これは、その処理がどうなるのか詳細を説明してくれることになると思いますが、4日、1週間、または1か月など時間を教えてもらう表現です。  "When should I receive a new passport?" いつ新しいパスポートがもらえますか? これは、パスポートを受け取るまでにどのくらい時間がかかるかと聞く表現です。プロセスに4日かかったとしたら、郵送に2日かかるでしょう。   "When will you reissue my new passport?" いつ私のパスポートが再発行されますか? これははじめの例と似ていて、時間ではなく、3日後や火曜日になどいつになるのかを教えてくれます。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, but how long will it take to reissue my passport?

  • How long exactly will it take for my new passport to be reissued?

If you would like to ask someone how long it will take to reissue your new passport, you can say something like "I'm sorry, but how long will it take to reissue my passport?" or "How long exactly will it take for my new passport to be reissued?". This is an easy and polite way to ask someone this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What's the lead time for passport renewals?

  • How long will it take for my passport to be renewed?

1. What's the lead time for passport renewals? "Lead time" refers to the time between the start and end of a process. "Renewal" is another term that can be used for the reissue of passports or any other documents. Example sentence: What's the lead time for delivery of your online orders? 2. How long will it take for my passport to be renewed? "How long will it take" basically means "how long will I have to wait?" or " how long will the process take?" Examples: - How long will it take for the bus to arrive? - How long will it take for the cake to bake?
Shams DMM英会話講師
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