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2019/08/02 09:35
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  • This animal is a red panda.

  • This is a red panda.

  • This mammal is called a red panda.

This mammal is called a red panda because of its red coloring and pattern resembling the panda bear. The red panda is an endangered animal. A "mammal" is a warm-blooded animal that typically gives live births to their young.
この哺乳類のことを、赤っぽい色をしていて、パンダのような模様があるので red panda と言います。     "mammal"(哺乳類)とは、定温動物で、 子供を産みます。
Noelie DMM英会話講師
  • The lesser Red Panda is much smaller than the Giant Panda.

  • Hiro had to work in a lesser position after he ruined last week's presentation.

Lesser means something not as important or as big as something else. For example: A manager is a lesser position than a CEO. One is more important than the other. This 'Red Panda' is smaller than the usual black and white pandas, so it is a lesser panda.
Lesser' は「より重要でない/より小さい」という意味です。 例えば: A manager is a lesser position than a CEO.(マネジャーはCEOよりも低いポジションです) 'Red Panda'(レッサーパンダ)は白と黒のパンダよりも体が小さいですね、ですから 'A lesser panda' です。
Sabya DMM英会話講師
  • He received a lesser sentence than his friend.

  • Red Panda

The word, "lesser," refers to anything that is less than the thing you are comparing it to. Typically this words in a hierarchical scale with one thing being above or higher than the other. Also, we would refer to this animal in this picture as a, "Red Panda."
"lesser" は「より小さい/より重要でない」という意味です。一般的にこれは「階級」を表します。 また、この写真の動物は "Red Panda"(レッサーパンダ)といいます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Red panda

  • Lesser

The animal is called a "red panda" because it is red in color and resembles the panda bear. The word "lesser" means lower in number/value compared to something else. You can use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -The red panda is an endangered species, so the government does all it can to protect them. -I went to the supermarket and spent a lesser amount than I had anticipated because everything was on sale.
この動物は "red panda" と呼ばれます。色が「赤(red)」で、「パンダ(panda)」に似ているからです。 "lesser" は「より少ない/より重要でない」という意味です。 これらの語句は文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -The red panda is an endangered species, so the government does all it can to protect them.(レッサーパンダは絶滅危惧種なので、政府はこれを保護のため、あらゆることをします) -I went to the supermarket and spent a lesser amount than I had anticipated because everything was on sale.(スーパーに買い物に行きましたが、セール中だったので、思ったほどお金は使いませんでした)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "John's crime was not as bad as Henry's, so John received a lesser sentence."

Lesser' is an adjective which may refer to a quality or characteristic which is not as great as another. So it is useful when making comparisons. Eg."John's crime was not as bad as Henry's, so John received a lesser sentence." 'Lesser may also be used when identifiying species that are smaller than similar ones. Eg. "The lesser spotted woodpecker is the smallest of the three woodpecker species in the UK." Eg "The lesser panda is much smaller than the giant panda."
Lesser' とは、質や性質がほかのものより優れていないことを表す形容詞です。比較をするときに便利な言葉です。  "John's crime was not as bad as Henry's, so John received a lesser sentence." (ジョンの罪はヘンリーのほど悪くはなかったので、ジョンはより軽い刑を受けた。)  Lesserは、またよく似た種よりも小さいものを表すのに使う言葉です。 "The lesser spotted woodpecker is the smallest of the three woodpecker species in the UK." (アカゲラはイギリスでは3つのキツツキ種の中で最も小さい。) "The lesser panda is much smaller than the giant panda." (レッサーパンダはジャイアントパンダよりもずっと小さい。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Lesser panda is red and smaller than other pandas

  • Lesser also means not as important.

Although the lesser panda shares a name with the giant panda, they are considered members of their own unique family. Our next election will be between the lesser of the two evils.
レッサーパンダは、名前にはパンダが入っていますが、レッサーパンダ科の動物です(ジャイアントパンダはクマ科)。 Our next election will be between the lesser of the two evils. (次の選挙はどんぐりの背比べだ)
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • lesser

  • Red Panda

This animal is more commonly referred to as a Red Panda (because of the color of its fur). "Lesser" is an adjective that refers to a quantity that is less than another quantity. As you can see, the word is always used when COMPARING 2 or more things. EX sentences: 1) It is the LESSER of 2 evils. 2) A lesser man would have given up, but he kept going.
この動物は一般的に "Red Panda" と呼ばれます(毛の色が赤い(red)からです)。 "Lesser" は、数量が「より少ない」ことを表す形容詞です。この語は必ず二つ以上のものを比較するときに用いられます。 例文: 1) It is the LESSER of 2 evils.(こっちの方がまだまし) 2) A lesser man would have given up, but he kept going.(力のない人だったら諦めていただろうけど、彼はやり続けた)
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Red Panda

  • Lesser Panda

  • Red Bear Cat//Red Cat Bear

This is commonly known as a red panda, different from a "panda" it looks like a fox, or a small dog//cat it also looks like a fox. usually we call it a red panda, but it's also knows as a lesser panda, a red bear cat, or a red cat bear, as it resembles a cat or a small bear. they are naturally found in parts of China and the Himalayas, it's an endangered animal.
この動物は一般的に "red panda" と呼ばれます。"panda" は「パンダ」です。 これはキツネに似ていますね。小さな犬や猫にも見えます。 この動物は一般的には "red panda" と呼ばれますが、"lesser panda" や "red bear cat" "red cat bear" などとも呼ばれます。猫や小さな熊にも見えるからです。中国やヒマラヤ山脈の原産で、絶滅危惧種に指定されています。
Lewis M English teacher
  • lesser

  • red panda

If something is less than it does not have as much as something else. For example: My education is lesser than his. The animal in the picture in American English is called a Red Panda. I hope that this helps. :)
"lesser" は「より少ない」という意味です。 例えば: My education is lesser than his.(私は学歴が彼よりも下です) この写真の動物はアメリカ英語では "Red Panda"(レッサーパンダ)と呼ばれます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Red Panda

keitoさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 パンダのお話になりますと、レッサーは英語で「Red Panda」とも言います。 他の場面では、「lesser」(レッサー) は「より小さい」[少ない・劣った・重要でない]という意味となっております。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
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