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2016/05/22 02:05
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  • expenses

  • incomes

支出はexpenses、収入はincomesです。 支出と収入のバランスをみるので、balance sheet (貸借対照表)、支出と収入から[利益](と[損失](をみるので、profit (利益) and loss (損失) (損益計算書)と言います。 例: We need to review our expenses and incomes. 支出と収入を見直す必要があります。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Income and Expenditure

  • Profit and loss

The money that a business earns and spends can be called: Income and Expenditure Income - The amount of money that a company earns Expenditure - The amount of money a company spends It can also be called: Profit and loss Profit - The money made by a company Loss - The money lost/spent by a company I hope that helps!
企業が稼いだり使ったりするお金のことを、こう言います。 income and expenditure income - 会社が[売り上げた](金額 expenditure - 会社が使用した金額 またこのように言うこともできます。 profit and loss profit - 会社によって得られた[収入]( loss - 会社によって失われた/使われたお金 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • spending and income

別の言い方をご紹介します。 支出:spending 収入:income
Ranken 経済英語スクール代表・経営コンサルタント・システムエンジニア
  • Expenditure

  • Income

  • Outgoings

Income may derive from product sales, property rental, services rendered, interest on investments or a variety of other means. Against this is the spending or 'expenditure' side of the equation. In accounting, the income of the business minus the expenditure of the business, leaves a remaining figure which is 'profit' if it is positive - or 'loss' if it is a negative figure. Expenditure is sometimes known as outgoings.
Income は、商品の売上、そこの家賃、サービスや投資の利率、などなど様々なものから割り出されます。 一方でこの反対をexpenditureと言います。 経理では、売上から経費を抜いた数字がプラスであれば利益と呼びます(profit)。 またはマイナスなら損失と言います(loss)。 expenditureは時として、outgoingsと言われるときもあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is called Income and Expenditure

  • It is also called an Income Statement

To be precise, 'Income and Expenditure' would be the the correct expression to use. This can be prepared as an Income and Expenditure Account. Income = money earned and Expenditure = money spent. The result is a surplus if income is more than expenditure and a deficit if expenditure is more than income. In the second answer, an Income Statement, also called a Profit and Loss Account, is prepared to show the revenue i.e. total sales of the company for a given period, and expenses made by the company over a given period of time. Depending on which is more, the result is either a net profit or a net loss. It should be noted that in this statement, non-cash items such as depreciation and other provisions are also taken into account.
Income and Expenditure' 正しい表現です。 収入と支出会計として準備することができます。 「Income」とは稼いだお金です。 「Expenditure」とは使ったお金です。 もし、その結果、収入が支出を上回り、収入より支出が少なければ、余剰利益があることになります。 2つ目の答えは、Income Statementは、Profit and Loss account(損益計算書)とも呼ばれます。一定の期間のうちの会社の総売上と支出、つまり収支を示すために準備されます。 どちらが多いか。その結果が黒字化赤字かが決まります。 これだけでなく、減価償却やその他の項目など非現金項目をこの報告書に含まれるべきなので、ご注意ください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Income

  • Profits

  • Expenses

In terms of how much money a company earns we can use the words, "income," meaning how much it makes or, "profits," referring to how much money they make via sales, trading, etc. In terms of how much money a company spends we can use the word, "expenses," to refer to all of the costs it takes to run the company.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Expenditure and Income

*-Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is spent on something. *-A person's or organization's income is the money that they earn or receive, as opposed to the money that they have to spend or pay out.
「Expenditure」とは、何かにお金を使うことや何かに使ったお金を意味します。 ある人や組織の収入とは使ったお金と反対で稼いだり、受け取ったりしたお金です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Income

  • Expenditure

The amount of money a business/company earns is called income/profit. The amount of a money a business spends is called expenditure. Types of expenditure includes office equipment,buildings etc. In accounting the sheet that calculates income and expenditure is called Income Statement.
会社の稼ぐお金のことを、income/profitと言います。 逆に出費のことをexpenditure.と言い、出費の種類は以下、office equipment,buildings などなど。 経理部では、収支を計算する紙のことを、Income Statementと言います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Expenditure /Income: Profit & Loss

  • When your expenditure is less than you income...You have made profit, not a loss!

Companies must always watch their "bottom line"... and end up " in the Black" IE not in the RED...(loss), Since "Profit " is the intended outcome of any business;-D "When your expenditure is less than your income...You have made profit, not a loss!"
企業は常に、 "bottom line"(純利益)を見ていないといけません。そうすると黒字になります。すなわち、赤字ではないということです。  "Profit " (利益)はどのビジネスでも目的とされています。 "When your expenditure is less than your income...You have made profit, not a loss!" 支出が収支よりも下回ると、利益がでたことになります。損益ではありません!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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