世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/09/21 15:34
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  • How many years does if take to live there to get a permanent residency?

永住権 permanent residency How many years does if take to live there to get a permanent residency? です。 国によって永住権の取得条件、方法などが変わってくるので、永住権と一言でいってもいろいろ違ってきますよね。アメリカは今いろいろ厳しくなっていますし…。 こんな感じでいかがでしょうか? お役に立てれば幸いです!
  • How many years do you have to reside in the country to get permanent residency?

  • How many years do you have to live there to be eligible for permanent residency?

  • After how many years of living there can you get permanent residency?

質問をありがとうございました。 how many years: 何年 have to...: する必要があります... to reside in: ...に存在する to be eligible: 適格 permanent residency:永住権 この3つの文章では、ニュアンスが異なります。 1. How many years do you have to reside in the country to get permanent residency? これは非常にフォーマルに聞こえます。「to reside」というのは、「to live」よりもフォーマルです. 2. How many years do you have to live there to be eligible for permanent residency? 「to be eligible」を使用する場合、永住権を申請するかどうかを決定することができます。彼らは、彼らがしたいが、する必要がない場合はすることができます。 3. After how many years of living there can you get permanent residency? 最もカジュアルで、最も使いやすく、理解しやすい.
  • How many years do you have to live in this country before you can get permanent residency?

By asking this question, you are asking how many years? which is the time period required to live in this country before you can get permanent residency. Permanent residency means that you can permanently reside (live) in that country. With permanent residency also comes benefits such entitlement of living in that country indefinitely and rights to leave and come into that country as you please. You also have social security benefits such as entitlement for unemployment or sickness benefits, where you can get money from the government if you are out of work if you are sick or if you can't find work.
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
  • How long do you have to live where you are to get permanent residency?

  • How long does it take to get permanent residency?

Many people around the world do not live where they were born. So, if you would like to find out how long it takes to a permanent residency in another, the country where you teacher is living, then you can ask one of these two questions. How long does it take in Japan? (If you know) Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that suits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • How many years do you have to reside in the country to get permanent residency?

  • How many years do you have to live there to be eligible for permanent residency?

  • After how many years of living there can you get permanent residency?

質問をありがとうございました。 how many years: 何年 have to...: する必要があります... to reside in: ...に存在する to be eligible: 適格 permanent residency:永住権 この3つの文章では、ニュアンスが異なります。 1. How many years do you have to reside in the country to get permanent residency? これは非常にフォーマルに聞こえます。「to reside」というのは、「to live」よりもフォーマルです. 2. How many years do you have to live there to be eligible for permanent residency? 「to be eligible」を使用する場合、永住権を申請するかどうかを決定することができます。彼らは、彼らがしたいが、する必要がない場合はすることができます。 3. After how many years of living there can you get permanent residency? 最もカジュアルで、最も使いやすく、理解しやすい.
  • What is the required length of time to live there before you may get permanent residency?

The "required length of time" is another way to say how long a person needs to do something. This length of time is typically measured in years when asking about residency requirements or laws. If something is required, it means that it is mandatory. This means that it has to be done according to regulation or law.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • How many years do you need to live there, in order for you to get permanent residency?

Gaining permanent residency means that you can live in a country indefinitely/for the rest of your life. Once you gain permanent residency in a country it makes it easier for you to live there. However to get benefits like a pension, etc, you need to become a citizen of that country, which will make it easier for you to retire there.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • permanent residence

  • citizenship

  • How long does it take to get citizenship in your country?

We refer to the ability to live in a country as long as you want is called 'permanent residence' or 'citizenship.' EX) How long does it take to get citizenship in your country? How long does it take to get permanent residence in your country?
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • How long before you are granted permanent residency?

  • When will one be eligible for permanent residency?

How long before you are granted permanent residency? "how long" in this case refers to the length of time. 'granted'means given. Basically this question is asking how many years do you need to live in the country in question before you are granted permanent residency. Another example of 'how long': How long is your hair? When will one be eligible for permanent residency? The word 'eligible' means qualified or entitled. Another way of asking the question is: When would you qualify for permanent residency?
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • How many years do you have to live there to get permanent residency?

  • How long do you have to live there to get permanent residency?

  • How many years until you are eligible for permanent residency?

Notice that we can either use, "how long," or, "how many years," when asking how long something takes. In addition, we can either use, "do you have to live there," or, "until you are eligible," interchangeably to have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Citizenship

  • Permanent residency

You could use either of the above two words in a sentence when talking about being permanent in a country. Examples; - How many years do you have to live in the U.K to be able to apply for your British citizenship? - How long do you wait to get a permanent residency in that country?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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