世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/26 12:11
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  • What does your name mean?

  • Where is your name from?

What does XXX mean? で「XXXってどんな意味?」です。 mean はここでは「意味する」です。 Where is XXX from? は「XXXってどこから来てるの?何に由来してるの?」です。 どちらも名前の由来を聞きたい時に同じように使えます。
  • Does your name have a unique meaning?

  • What does your name mean?

★Does your name have a unique meaning? (あなたの名前には特有の意味がありますか?) 名前には意味がある場合もあるし、 単に語感から名付けられる場合もありますので、 特有の意味がありますか?と聞いてみてはいかがでしょうか? ★What does your name mean? (あなたの名前は何を意味しますか) こちらはストレートに名前の意味をたずねる表現です。 外国人相手に名前について話を膨らませると、お互いの文化背景を知ることにもなると思いますので、楽しいですね!
  • Does your name have a meaning?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介させてください。 【英訳例】 Does your name have a meaning? (あなたの)名前に何か意味はありますか。 ------------------------------ 《英文の意図》 名前には意味があるものとないものがありますよね。「どんな意味」と聞くよりも「意味はあるの」と聞いた方がいいかもしれません。 ------------------------------ 《例》 "Does your name have a meaning?" "Yes, it means 'work of art.'" 「名前に何か意味は」。「『美術品』という意味です」。 【出典:"Mixed Bags" by Melody Carlson】 お役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • What does your name mean?

  • Does your name have a special meaning?

What does your name mean? This is just a simple way of asking a person what their name means. Example: You: "What does your name mean?" Person: "My name means 'worthy of admiration.' Does your name have any special meaning? This is another way to ask a person what their name means, but it is slightly more formal. Example: You: "Does your name have any special meaning?" Person: "Actually, yes it does! It means 'worthy of admiration."
What does your name mean? これはただ名前を尋ねる表現です。 例 You: "What does your name mean?" 君の名はどういう意味なの? Person: "My name means 'worthy of admiration.' 私の名は、称賛に値する、という意味です。 Does your name have any special meaning? これは少しフォーマルに名前に意味があるのか尋ねる表現です。 例 You: "Does your name have any special meaning?" 何か特別な意味を君の名は持っているの? Person: "Actually, yes it does! It means 'worthy of admiration." 実はあります。称賛に値する、という意味なんです。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Does your name have a special meaning?

  • What does your name mean?

  • Is there a meaning to your name?

All of these are ways of asking if someone's name has a meaning. Usually, they do but in modern times people are calling their children rather bizarre names that are not traditional and they have no meanings. Hope this helps Jane L)
上記は全て名前に意味があるのかを尋ねる表現です。あるとは思うけど、普通最近だとおかしな名前の人が増えてて、名前に忌のないひとも結構言います。 参考になれば JaneL)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • What does your name mean?

  • Does your name have a meaning?

You can ask : "What does your name mean?" "Does your name have a meaning?" "Were you named after someone?" ------------------------------------------------ name after - to give someone a name after another person ----------------------------------------------- A - What does your name mean? B - I'm not sure. A - Were you named after someone? B - Yes, I was named after my grandmother.
以下の質問ができます: "What does your name mean?" "Does your name have a meaning?" "Were you named after someone?" ------------------------------------------------ name after - 誰かにちなんで名前をつけること ----------------------------------------------- A - What does your name mean?(あなたの名前の意味は何?) B - I'm not sure.(わかりません) A - Were you named after someone?(誰かにちなんだ名前なの?) B - Yes, I was named after my grandmother.(はい、おばあちゃんの名前にちなんだ名前です)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A)What's the meaning of your name ?

  • B) Does your name have a meaning ?

  • C) Do you know the meaning of your name ?

You can use any one of these sentence in this situation :-) However in sentence A you are asking the person directly , At sentence B you are asking the person if their name has a meaning and lastly at sentence C You are asking the person if they know the meaning of their name. I hope this helps you! :-)
これらの例文はすべて質問者様のいう状況で使えます :-) ただし、Aの例文では相手に直接聞いています。Bの例文では名前に意味があるのかどうかを聞いており、最後のCの例文では名前の意味を知っているかどうかを聞いています。お役に立てば幸いです! :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What does your name mean?

  • What is the meaning of your name?

  • Do you know the meaning of your name?

Example: A: Hi! What's your name? B: Isabelle A: What does your name mean? A: My name is Ami B: What is the meaning of your name? A: Do you know the meaning of your name? B: No, I don't
例: A: Hi! What's your name? (あなたの名前は何ですか?) B: Isabelle (イサベルです) A: What does your name mean? (あなたの名前にはどんな意味がありますか?) A: My name is Ami (私の名前はアミです) B: What is the meaning of your name? (あなたの名前の意味は何ですか?) A: Do you know the meaning of your name? (あなたの名前の意味を知っていますか?) B: No, I don' t(いいえ、知りません)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What does your name mean?

  • Is there a meaning to your name?

Sometimes people have incredible or unusual names and you are interested to know the meaning of that, or why this person was originally given such a name. "Why did your parents call you 'Running water?' What does it mean? "It's a traditional name in my culture if you were born near a river or stream." Some names may mean nothing in their translation. "Is there a meaning to Hscvog?'" "No, it is just a name with no meaning."
人によってはすごい面白かったり、珍しい名前ってあるよね。もしその由来や理由を知りたかったらこうききましょう。 "Why did your parents call you 'Running water?' What does it mean? なんでご両親は君のことRunning waterなんていうの?どういう意味? "It's a traditional name in my culture if you were born near a river or stream." 川や小川の近くで生まれた人につける、自分のとこの伝統的な名前なんだ。 そういう名前は翻訳すると意味がなくなるのが多いよね。 "Is there a meaning to Hscvog?'" Hscvogに意味はあるのかい? "No, it is just a name with no meaning." いや、名前に意味はないよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Does your name have a meaning?

  • What's the meaning of your name?

If you want to ask someone if their name has a special meaning, you can say: "Does your name have a meaning?" "What's the meaning of your name?"
相手の名前に何か特別な意味があるか知りたいときは、次のように言えます。 "Does your name have a meaning?"(あなたの名前に何か特別な意味はありますか) "What's the meaning of your name?"(あなたの名前の意味を教えてください)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • what does your name mean?

  • Is there a meaning behind the name?

When someone introduces themselves to you, often their name followed by a brief description about themselves, you may wonder or want to know if they have a meaning behind their name, thee questions are asking the individual if their parent shad named them after something special or if their name had a meaning to it.
人に自己紹介をされたとき(たいていは、名前を言った後自分自身について簡単に説明する)、あるいはその人の名前には何か特別な意味があるのかだろうかと気になるかもしれません。 この二つの質問は、相手の名前に何か特別な意味があるのかどうかを尋ねます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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