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我が家の愛犬だけは絶対に噛まないと言っている方が多い。 でも吠えられたら怖いですよね。
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2016/07/07 18:24
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  • Don't worry. My dog barks, but he/she is not going to bite you.

Don't worry. 心配しないでください。 My dog barks, but he/she is not going to bite you. うちの犬は吠えますが嚙みつきはしません。 「吠える」は bark で、「噛む」は bite です。
  • My doggie won't bite, but he/she barks.

ワンチャン:doggie うちの犬は噛まないよ、吠えますけど。 I promise you, she/he won't bite you. 約束する、絶対噛まないから!
  • It's bark is worse than its bite!

  • It sounds ferocious but it's a little darling really!

If 'the bark is worse than its bite' phrase is used, it is usually referring to humans. In this case it is a little humorous that the phrase is actually applied to a dog. The phrase refers to the dog possibly biting but it would be taken as a humorous comment - probably. 'Someone's bark is worse than his or her bite.' Although someone says things that sound frightening, the person's actions will not be as severe as the things that were said: "The boss seems mean, but his bark is worse than his bite."
もし、"the bark is worse than its bite"「噛みつかれるより吠え声の方がひどいもの」のフレーズが使用されているのであれば、それは、通常「人間」を意味します。 この場合、そのフレーズが本当に犬に適用されていることでユーモラスなコメントとして取られるだろう。 Someone's bark is worse than his or her bite. 彼は見かけほど気性が悪くはない。 恐ろしいことを言う人もいますが、行動は言うほど深刻ではありません。 The boss seems mean, but his bark is worse than his bite. その上司は厳しそうだが、実は見かけほど気性は悪くはない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry, he's all bark and no bite!

This is a common phrase used for people who talk a lot but usually don't act on what they are saying. However it can be used to describe dogs too.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • She only barks but she doesn't bite.

  • Her bark is worse than her bite!

To explain that your dog barks but doesn't bite, you can say: She only barks but she doesn't bite. To only bark means that all she does is bark. There is a common idiom: Her bark is worse than her bite! This is normally used to describe people but in this case it is actually a dog anyway! This means that although she makes a lot of noise, her actions don't follow through. She may look fierce but she is harmless. I hope that helps!
よく吠えるけど噛まない、と言いたい時はこう言えます。 She only barks but she doesn't bite. To only bark とは、吠えるだけ、という意味です。 これはよく使われるフレーズです。 Her bark is worse than her bite! これは、人に使われることが多いですが、この場合は本当の犬に使われてますね。 これは、吠えるだけ吠えるけど、結局は何もしないという意味です。 凶暴に見えるけど、実際は無害ということですね。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry my dog will not bite you. He only barks.

  • He only barks but will not bite you.

Don't worry my dog will not bite you. He only barks. "Don't worry" means you are giving them assurance not to worry because you are confident that the dog will not bite them. He only barks but will not bite you. This means that the dog has a habit of barking to intimidate people but will not bite them.
Don't worry my dog will not bite you. He only barks. "Don't worry" とは、噛まないという自信があるので心配しないでと相手に確約する言い方です。 He only barks but will not bite you. 見知らぬ人に吠える癖があるけど、噛んだりはしないという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry she/he doesn't bite

  • Don't worry she/he might bark but they don't/won't bite

  • She/he barks but they don't bite

Sometimes when a dog barks it might make people that come to your house feel uncomfortable it is good to reassure them that the dog won't bite you can simply say 'don't worry he/she doesn't bite'
犬がほえると家に来た人が不快に感じることがあるかもしれません。「かまないよ」と安心させてあげると良いですね。シンプルに次のように言えます。 'Don't worry he/she doesn't bite' (心配しないで、かまないから)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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