世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




この単語知ってる?と言われてi don't know. と答えていますがなんか硬い感じがするのですが、これでいいのかなと疑問に思ってます。
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2015/11/28 11:00
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  • I'm not so familiar with that.

  • I've never seen it.

  • That's new to me.

知らない、のバリエーションだとは思うのですが、 I'm not so familiar with that. それについてはあまり馴染みがない。 I've never seen it. 見たことがない。 That's new to me. 初耳です。 などのようにいろんな言い方で表現してみるといいのかなあと 思います。 ちなみにI don't know. はそんなに硬い感じ、というよりは 言い方によってはむしろぶっきらぼうな感じになったりするかもしれません。 オンライン英会話のレッスンなら How do you spell it? どんなスペルですか? Could you tell me what that means? どんな意味ですか? という風にその場で知らない単語について 掘り下げられたら最高だと思います。 レッスン頑張ってくださいー。
  • I’ve never heard of it.

  • That doesn’t sound familiar.

他の言い方も考えてみました。 I’ve never heard of it. / That doesn’t sound familiar. この2つは共に「えー、聞いたことないなー。」という表現です。 I don’t know.と答えても全然いいですけど、 いろんなバリエーションの表現を覚えるのは学習していても楽しいですね。
  • I'm not (really) sure.

  • No clue.

  • No idea.

「I don't know」には色々なバリエーションがあります。 ★I'm not (really) sure. 「ちょっとわからないです…」というニュアンスがあります。 ★No clue. / No idea. 「全然わからない」というニュアンスがあります。 他にも ★I have no clue/idea. ★I don't have a clue.
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • I'm not sure.

  • I have no idea.

  • I don't know.

もちろんI don't know.でも良いです。 分かりません、知りません。というときにネイティブでも使います。 他にはI'm not sure. I have no idea.など様々な表現があります。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • I have never heard this word before.

  • What does this word mean?

  • I hadn't heard this expression before.

When in your English lesson, it is always a good idea to tell your teacher when you don't understand something or have not heard a particular word before. You can use any of the expressions above and you could also ask your teacher to give you a definition. For example: "Teacher, I have never heard the word equanimous before. Would you be able to give me a definition and use it in a sentence for me?" This way your teacher is aware of your knowledge and can help you more fully to learn different vocabulary words.
英語の授業で分からないことがあったり、新しい言葉と出会ったときには、先生にそれを伝えた方がいいです。上記の表現はどれも使えます。また、先生に意味を聞くこともできます。例えば: "Teacher, I have never heard the word equanimous before. Would you be able to give me a definition and use it in a sentence for me?" (先生、私は「equanimous」という単語を聞いたことがありません。意味と、文中でどう使うか教えてもらえますか?) こう言うと、先生はあなたの知識を把握でき、もっといろいろなボキャブラリーを教えてくれるでしょう。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • No, I don't know this word

  • I never heard of that word

If someone asks you a question and you don't know then you would answer no to tell them you don't know the answer you can answer by saying 'I don't know this word' or 'I never heard of that word'
誰かに質問をされてそれが分からないときは、'no'(いいえ/分かりません)と答えることができます。 次のように言えます。 'I don't know this word'(この単語は知りません) 'I never heard of that word'(その単語は知りません)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am not familiar with this word

  • I haven't learned this word yet

  • I have no clue what this word means

In formal settings we can say "I am not familiar with this word" when we don't understand the definition of the word. When we are familiar with something, that means we recognise it, for example: Person A: Do you see anybody you know here? Person B: Yes, I see a few familiar faces. Another formal way of saying "I don't know this word" is "I haven't learned this word yet". An informal way of saying "I don't know this word" is "I have no clue what this word means". We can use "clue" in this scenario because "clues" help people solve problems, "clues" bring awareness to the solution of the problem. When we don't have a "clue", that means we don't have the awareness to solve the situation. In this situation, we don't have the awareness of the word to provide an answer of it's definition.
フォーマルな場面では "I am not familiar with this word"(この単語は知りません)と言えます。"familiar" は「見覚え[聞き覚え]がある」という意味です。 例えば: Person A: Do you see anybody you know here? Person B: Yes, I see a few familiar faces. ↓ 人物 A: 誰か見覚えがある人はいますか。 人物 B: はい、何人か見覚えのある人がいます。 "I haven't learned this word yet"(この単語はまだ習っていません)も、「この単語は知りません」のフォーマルな言い方です。 "I have no clue what this word means" は「この単語は知りません」のインフォーマルな言い方です。"clue" は問題の解決を助けるもの、問題解決の「手掛かり」を言います。「"clue" がない」ということは、「解決方法が分からない」ということです。この場合は、その単語の意味が分からないということ。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Never seen it before

  • No, what does it mean?

  • I don't believe I do.

1) Never seen it before「〜1回も見たことがない」 これは単語を見せられるときに返事の仕方で、「聞いたことない」も同じように使えて英語だと、『Never heard of it before』と言います。 『見る〜Seen』を『聞いたこと〜Heard of』を交換するだけでできます。 2) No, what does it mean? 「〜いいえ、どういう意味ですか?」  この回答は2つに分かれています  No〜いいえ(知ってる?の答えになります) What does it mean?〜どういう意味ですか?  これを足すことによって、会話も進みますし、答えてるときに硬い感じもなくなると思います。 3) この言い方は『知ってる?』の返事として使われるけど、単に『知りません』として使うことはできないです。 訳すと、『知らないと思います』という意味になります。
  • I'm not familiar with this word / I'm not familiar with the meaning of this word.

  • I've not seen this word before, what does it mean? / I've not heard this word before, what does it mean?

  • This is a new word for me, please explain the meaning.

Often in an English lesson you will be introduced to new vocabulary and it is important that you as a student understand the meaning of new words as well as when and how to use them. When you come across a new or unfamiliar word you can say to your teacher: "I'm not familiar with this word..." / "I'm not familiar with the meaning of this word..." " I've not seen this word before, what does it mean?" or "I've not heard this word before..." "This is a new word for me, please explain the meaning.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know this word.

  • What does ____ mean?

  • I'm not familiar with ____.

Here are three different ways we can let our teacher know that we don't understand a word, have never seen it before, or we would like it explained to us in more detail so that we can understand it's meaning. There are many different ways in which to do this so find out what feels best to you.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know that word.

  • That word is new to me.

Armadillo I don't know that word. Armadillo? You don't know what that is? No, that word is new to me. Well, an armadillo is an animal which are found in central and south America. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I've never come across this word before.

  • This is a new word for me.

Both of these are okay to use if it is a word that you have not heard before. Top come across something/ someone means to see something by chance. I came across a new word today. - Maybe you seen it on a sign or in a book/lesson. This is a new word for me.- This means that you have not learnt this word before. You have never seen it before.
Niabh DMM英語講師
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