簡単に言いたいなら、「すらすら話す」は「talk easily」と言えます。否定的な話の場合、「I can't talk easily in English」になります。
「すらすら出てこない」の場合、「It doesn't come out easily」も言えます。
I've been studying Japanese for 3 years but I still can't talk easily.
別のカジュアル言い方を言いたいなら、「say what I want to say」も言えます。否定的な場面で「I can't say what I want to say」になります。
In English I still can't say what I want to say but I'll study more.
I practiced for the interview, but when it came to the actual interview I couldn't say what I wanted to say
I find it difficult to say what I want to say when speaking in English
I find it difficult to express myself in English
「英語だと言いたいことがすらすら出てこない」は英語で I find it difficult to say what I (really) want to say when speaking in English や I find it difficult to express myself in Englishになると思います。
express oneself - 自分の考え/意見/思うことを(表す・表現する・述べる・話す)
すらすら話す - to speak with ease や to speak effortlessly、to speak smoothly
I was so nervous during the meeting that I couldn't speak smoothly - 緊張しすぎて打ち合わせですらすら話せなかった。
I found it difficult to speak (snoothly) during my speaking exam. スピーキングテストであまりすらすら話せなかった。