「I'm going to start social media again so I can use it to contact my friends overseas.」は英語で「I'm going to start social media again so I can use it to contact my friends overseas.」と言います。「SNS」という言葉は「social networking services」の省略ですが英語圏は「social media」という単語を使います。個人的な意見ですが「海外」を「overseas」にするのは全然問題ありませんが、私なら海外の国をはっきり言います(海外にいる友達がカナダにいたら「my friend(s) in Canada」や、アメリカとイギリスにいたら「my friends in America and the UK」などを使います)。
I stopped using social media two years ago, but I'm starting it again so I can use it
to contact my friends overseas.
ーI started doing SNS again so I could communicate with a friend of mine who lives overseas.
to star doing SNS again で「SNSを再開する」
to live overseas で「海外に住む」
・I will use social media to contact my friends overseas.
(例文)I will use social media to contact my friends overseas because it's free and easy to use.
・I'm planning to use social media to contact my friends overseas.
(例文)I'm planning to use social media to contact my friends overseas. //That's a good idea!
(例文)He is going to work overseas.