世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/31 14:10
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  • Please add whip cream.

「追加で・・・」は「Add...」と、そのまま直訳していただいて結構です。 「ホイップクリーム」の場合は、 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please add whip cream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ですね。 「たっぷり」入れて欲しいなら、 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please add a lot of whip cream. Please add extra whip cream. Please add a double helping of whip cream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ などが考えられます。 逆に「ホイップクリーム無し」が良いという時は、 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No whip cream. Hold the whip cream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ を使ってください。 そう言えば、フレペチーノとかって元からかなりカロリー高いので、一応意識しましょうね~。
  • Can I have extra whip cream?

今あるものに「追加」「余分」という意味で使われる事が多いです。 スーパーなどで「余分」にビニール袋が欲しい時などでも使えます。
  • ...and don't hold the whipped cream!

  • Could you add whipped cream on top, please?

  • ...with whipped cream on top.

...and don't hold the whipped cream!- This means don't go easy on, or don't hold back on adding whipped cream. e.g. I'd like an apple pie please, and don't hold the icing! Could you add whipped cream on top, please? - this is telling the listener to add the whipped cream to the top of your drink ...with whipped cream on top. - this means add whipped cream to the top of your order, in this case to the top of your drink e.g. Can I have a tall vanilla latte with whipped cream on top, please?
.”..and don't hold the whipped cream!” (ホイップクリームの量を加減しなくていいですよ=沢山のせて下さい) 例 I'd like an apple pie please, and don't hold the icing! (アップルパイを下さい。アイシングはたっぷりでお願いします!) ”Could you add whipped cream on top, please?” (ホイップクリームを上にのせて貰えますか?) 例 Can I have a tall vanilla latte with whipped cream on top, please? (トールのバニララテの上にホイップを乗せて下さい。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Can you add some whip cream on?

違う言い方で書いてみました。 幾らかのホイップクリームを上に足してくれますか?と言う言い方です。 何かを足す時はAdd以外にはAdd onとも言います。
  • can I get whipped cream with that please?

  • Does that come with whipped cream?

If you have already ordered your drink and want to add whipped cream you could politely say "can I get whipped cream with that please" or alternatively you could ask "does that come with whipped cream"
すでに飲み物を注文し、それにホイップクリームを加えたいと思っているなら、 丁寧に"can I get whipped cream with that please" または、"does that come with whipped cream"と尋ねることができます。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Please add some whip cream

  • B) I'd like some whip cream with that

A) Please add some whip cream *Add -.join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount. Example -"a new wing was added to the building" B) I'd like some whip cream with that *i'd - I would *With that -straight after that; then. Example -"with that, she flounced out of the room" I hope this helps :-)
A) Please add some whip cream. ホイップクリームを追加してください。 *Add 加える 例-"a new wing was added to the building" 建物の左右に伸びた部分が新たに付け加えられた B) I'd like some whip cream with that. それにちょっとホイップクリームがほしいです。 *i'd - I wouldの略 *With that -そのあとすぐ 例 -"with that, she flounced out of the room. そのあとすぐ彼女は部屋を飛び出した 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Please add whip cream.

  • Can I have extra whip cream please?

  • I would like extra whip cream please.

All three of these sentences can be used interchangeably and more or less come out to have the same meaning. In the first example its an quick response imperative/command sentence, so notice how in this sentence we don't include any subject. Within the next two, you can see that they are not imperatives but either a question or a conditional verb statement. As you can see, I included the word, "extra," which is used if there is supposedly whip cream already added and you wanted more.
これら三つの文はほぼ同じ意味で、置き換えて使うことができます。 一つ目の例はシンプルな「命令文」です。ですから、主語はありません。 二つ目・三つ目の例は命令文ではありませんね。質問と、条件動詞を用いた文です。"extra" という語を使っています。これは、既にあるホイップクリームに「追加する」という意味合いです。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Top my drink with whipped cream.

  • Add whipped cream, please.

Top my drink with whipped cream. This is specific as to where the cream should be added. The cream must be placed on top of the drink. Example A: What would you like? B: A hot chocolate. A: Sure B: Top my drink with whipped cream. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Add whipped cream, please. This is not specific as to where the cream should be added. We can deduce from this, however, that there is no cream in the drink ordered and it needs to be added. 'please' - this term is used in polite requests Example A: What would you like? B: Hot chocolate. Add whipped cream, please.
Top my drink with whipped cream. ドリンクの上にホイップクリームをのせてください。 どこにクリームをのせるべきか明確に示している表現です。 A: What would you like? 何にしましょうか? B: A hot chocolate. ホットチョコレートください。 A: Sure. わかりました。 B: Top my drink with whipped cream. ホイップクリームを乗せてください。 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Add whipped cream, please. ホイップクリームを追加してください。 では、どこにホイップクリームを追加していいか明確ではありません。 推測することはできますが、オーダーにはクリームが入っていなく、追加しなくてはいけないということですね。 'please' - 依頼 例 A: What would you like? 何にしましょうか? B: Hot chocolate. Add whipped cream, please. ホットチョコレート。ホイップクリームを追加してください。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you give it a squirt of whipped cream please?

  • A dollop of whipped cream please!

A dollop - large, shapeless mass of something, especially soft food.blob, glob, gobbet, lump, clump, ball, mound; informal:- gob, wodge. "She was spooning reat dollops of cream.on her pudding." "She had a little dollop of cream on her nose" A squirt - to eject liquid in a jet from a narrow orifice: "The water from the garden hose squirted all over us." A dollop would normally be transferred with a seerving spoon from a serving dish, whereas a squirt would come u7nder pressure from an aerosol or similar.
A dollop はバターやアイスクリームなど柔らかい(液体)の塊の事です。 例文 "She was spooning reat dollops of cream on her pudding." 「彼女はクリームの塊をプリンにスプーンで乗せていた」 "She had a little dollop of cream on her nose" 「クリームの塊が(少し)彼女の鼻についていた」 * squirt - 液体を噴出させる、吹き出させるという事を指します。 例文 "The water from the garden hose squirted all over us." 「庭のホースから私達目掛けて水が噴き出した」 *A dollopはスプーンですくう時などに使い、a squirt はスプレー等何らかの圧が掛けられて出てくる液体を示します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Topped with whipped cream please!

  • Please can I have my drink, topped with whipped cream

In many coffee shops we have "options" to add to our flavoured syrups or cream and sprinkles...Whipped cream is a popular addition and we need to make sure it gets added;-D SO simply ask for your drink to be: "Topped With Whipped Cream Please"
多くのカフェでは、自分の飲み物に味つきシロップやクリーム、スプリンクルを追加する事が出来ます。その中でも生クリームはとても人気の追加トッピングで、絶対に注文したいですよね。 ”Topped with whipped cream please"と注文すれば大丈夫です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Hello, could you add whipped cream to my drink please?"

  • "Would you be able to add whipped cream to my drink please?"

  • "I would like some whipped cream on top of my drink please"

If you were at Starbucks and you want to add whipped cream to your drink, you could say any of the following to express your request: "Hello, could you add whipped cream to my drink please?", "Would you be able to add whipped cream to my drink please?" or "I would like some whipped cream on top of my drink please".
スターバックスで飲み物にホイップクリームを追加してもらいたいときは、次のように言えます。 "Hello, could you add whipped cream to my drink please?"(すみません、飲み物にホイップクリームを追加してもらえますか) "Would you be able to add whipped cream to my drink please?"(飲み物にホイップクリームを追加してもらえますか) "I would like some whipped cream on top of my drink please"(飲み物にホイップクリームを載せてもらえますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have some whipped cream, please?

  • Can I get some whipped cream, please?

  • Is it possible to get some whipped cream, please?

Can I have some whipped cream, please? Can I get some whipped cream, please? Is it possible to get some whipped cream, please? They all mean the same thing, they have just been worded slightly differently, and in all honesty the last one is a bit of a mouthful, although still can be said and be understood with ease. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Can I have some whipped cream, please? Can I get some whipped cream, please? Is it possible to get some whipped cream, please? (ホイップクリームを入れてもらえますか) これらは言い方が異なるだけで、全て同じ意味です。最後の例は少し長くて言いにくいですね。ただ、これも使えます、伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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