電話を使う際の「電波」のことをsignalと言います。他にwifiなどの影響でLINE電話がつながりにくい状況だったりすると、Wifi sucks here.「Wifi全然あかんわここ。」というように使えます。
I have a bad cold.「風邪がひどい。」
I have a bad feeling about it.「ちょっとそれ良い気しないね。」
I had a good time with you.「今日はあなたと過ごせて楽しかったよ。」
I had a great time.「とても良い時間を過ごせました。」
If you are unable to communicate clearly using your smartphone, for example, if the voice of the person you are talking to is consistently breaking up, it means that the signal or reception is extremely poor. It means that the signal is very weak, making your device unable to receive messages transmitted from the tower. Usually this happens when the area where you are can not be seen by the transmission tower. In a case like this, you may say:
The signal/reception is very good here
The signal/reception is extremely poor here.
"the signal or reception is extremely poor."
"The signal/reception is very good here."
"The signal/reception is extremely poor here."
I have bad/ good reception.
The reception is good/ bad.
どちらも主語をどうするか、あとは良い good 悪い bad
My phone doesn't get much reception.
I'll be lucky to make a call with such a weak signal
Depending on your location, reception for a smartphone may be either good, bad or just OK. If the signal totally disappears you can say that you have 'no reception.' Or, you could say that there is no signal in that area.
"Can you hear me?"
"Sorry, there's only a weak signal here."
"I have no reception."
"there is no signal in that area."
"Can you hear me?"
"Sorry, there's only a weak signal here."
When the signal bar is full on our phone, we describe that as having full signal or if not - no signal.
Sometimes you might hear, "I only have one bar" - meaning the signal is really bad or weak.
Reception is also used for signal, probably as common as each other.
携帯のアンテナマークがすべて立った状態は、"have full signal" と表します。その反対は "no signal" です。
"I only have one bar" というフレーズを耳にすることがあるかもしれません。これは「電波がすごく悪い[弱い]」という意味です。
"reception" も「signal(電波)」という意味で使われます。どちらも同じくらいよく使われると思います。
"i have a weak signal, i will call you back when
i get stronger reception".
"I have really poor reception in this area".
"my signal is really bad here, i will try calling you back
when i get somewhere with good reception".
"I have a weak signal, I will call you back when
I get stronger reception".(電波が悪いので電波が良くなったらかけ直します。)
"I have really poor reception in this area".(この地域は本当に電波が悪いです。)
"My signal is really bad here, I will try calling you back
when I get somewhere with good reception".(ここでは電波が本当に悪いです。電波が良い場所に行ったらかけ直します。)
This new phone is playing up, one minute, reception is great...and then it is weak!
When something is GREAT it is strong /powerful!
When something is WEAK...then it is not strong or powerful ;-))
"This new phone is playing up, one minute, reception is great...and then it is weak!"
「great」は「strong (強い)/powerful (強力な)」という意味です。
「weak」は「not strong/powerful」です。
"This new phone is playing up, one minute, reception is great...and then it is weak!"
Usually when your not able to receive a phone call on your cell phone it means that you will not have a 'signal' on your phone. So you can say "I can't get a signal here."
Sometimes it may be that you can't get a signal because your phone is "out of range" of the phone relay tower. This can happen because you are behind something that blocks the signal or prevents the phone from receiving a signal.
電話を受信できないときは携帯に'signal'(電波)が入っていません。よって"I can't get a signal here."(電波がありません)と言えます。
電話が電話中継塔の"out of range" (範囲外)にいるため電波が入らないこともあります。電波をブロックしたり、電話が電波を受信することを妨げるようなものの後ろにいるためにこのようなことが起こることもあります。
When talking about how we have no phone connection we would say that we either have, "no signal," or that we have, "bad reception.
In contrast if we have great signal we can say, "the reception is good here."