Are you watching ○○ every week?
Do you watch ○○ every week?
Are you watching BONES every week?
Do you watch BONES every week?
※BONES (ボーンス) ・・・アメリカの犯罪捜査ドラマ
この場合、Are you watching... とDo you watch...の両方使えると思います。
Are you watching...? は進行中の出来事、番組を毎週継続して見ていることを強調
Do you watch...?は現在その番組を見ることが習慣づいていることを強調
もしそのドラマが12話ぐらいの短いスパンで終了する番組ならAre you watching...?がいいと思いますが、何十年と続いている長寿番組ならDo you watch...?がよりナチュラルかなと思います。
You can ask this by asking if they watch the program " every week" or "weekly".
You can also ask if they are "up to date" meaning have they watched all the episodes.
これは、every weekやweeklyを使って尋ねることができます。up to dateを使って最近の話を全部見ているかを尋ねることもできます。
You can decide whether to ask a closed question requiring a Yes or No answer - or an open question requiring a detailed explanation.
"Do you watch XXX every week?"
"Do you watch YYY weekly?"
"How often do you watch YYY?"
"About once a month."
"Do you watch XXX every week?" XXXは毎週見てる?
"Yes." うん。
"Do you watch YYY weekly?" YYYは毎週見てる?
"No." いいえ
"How often do you watch YYY?" YYYはどれくらいの頻度で見てるの?
"About once a month." 月1回くらいかな。
If someone says they are following a TV show, it means they watch it regularly.
eg I am following that new drama on TV, I never miss it.
If you ask someone if they watch a TV show, it means do you watch it regularly. If they don't they may reply, "No, I only saw it once but I didn't like it".
follow a TV show と言えば、その番組を定期的に見ているということを意味します。
例 I am following that new drama on TV, I never miss it.(私はその新しいドラマを毎週見ています。絶対に見逃しません。)
もしだれかがあなたに「TVを見ていますか?」と聞いたら、それは定期的に見ているかどうかを聞いているのと同じです。もし定期的に見ていなければ、"No, I only saw it once but I didn't like it."(ううん、それは1回しか見たことなくて、そんなに気に入らなかったよ。)
All of the above phrases can be used to see how often someone watch a TV programme or drama.
Many people watch catch up TV online now. This means they watch 2 or 3 episodes at once and don't always watch weekly.
Hope this helps
Jane :)
Here are two additional ways to ask someone if they have been following the TV show each week. Both are common expressions and work extremely well when having friendly and casual conversations. By asking this way, you are simply wondering if they are watching the same show as you and are up to date on the latest events. Hope this helps!
Are you up to date with .........................?
Some tv shows or series have a program on at least once a week so you might want to see if someone has been watching it so you could ask 'are you up to date with ..............................?' another way of asking this is 'do you watch .............................. every week?'
'are you up to date with .............?'(.............を見ていますか)
'do you watch ............. every week?'(.............を毎週見ていますか)