ーI had my first lesson in five months today because I've been so busy with work.
to have my first lesson in five months で「5ヶ月ぶりにレッスンを受ける」
ーThis is the first lesson I've had in over five months because things have been really hectic for me at work.
This is the first lesson I've had in over five months で「5ヶ月ぶりにレッスンを受けた」とも言えます。
「5か月ぶりにレッスンを受けました」という表現を英語で言うには、"for the first time in 5 months" というフレーズが使えます。これは「5か月間で初めて」という意味です。
・I took a lesson for the first time in 5 months because I've been busy with work lately. (最近仕事が忙しくて、5か月ぶりにレッスンを受けました。)
"lately" は「最近」を意味し、"I've been busy with work" で「仕事が忙しい」を表現しています。