今回お尋ねの英文を作る際、as ~ as ... という
I am as old as him. 彼と同い年
I want to be as fluent as a native speaker. ネイティブと同じくらい流暢になりたい
など、A as 形容詞 as B「AはBと同じくらい〇〇」という文法です。
The top of the hotel is as big as five airplanes.
The park is as big as 10 football stadiums.
This job is as easy as ABC. 「この仕事はABCと同じくらい簡単=楽勝」
- "as big as 〇〇 airplanes."
"The roof of that hotel is about as big as 5 passenger planes."
"roof" 「屋上」
"the roof of that hotel" 「そのホテルの屋上」
"is about as big as ~" 「広さはおおよさ〜」
"5 passenger planes" 「旅客機5台分」
- "~ could fit 〇〇 airplanes."
"The roof of that hotel could fit about 5 passenger planes."