"I make bookings for English conversation classes on the day depending on if I feel like it."
- "I make bookings for English conversation classes on the day depending on if I feel like it."
"I make bookings for ~" 「〜の予約を作る」"bookings" の代わりに "reservations" や "appointments" も言えます。
"English conversation classes" 「英会話」"Eikaiwa" も言えます。
"on the day" 「その日に」・「当日で」
"depending on ~" 「〜次第で」"based on ~" も使えます。
"if I like it" 「気分があれば」"my mood" 「気分」も言えます。
- "I make Eikawa reservations on the day depending on my mood."
"Eikawa reservations" 「英会話の予約」"English conversation class reservations" も言えます。
I make appointments for English conversation based on how I feel, so I make them on the day-of.
「英会話の予約は気分次第でその日に予約をいれます。」は英語で「I make appointments for English conversation based on how I feel, so I make them on the day-of.」と言います。「~次第」は英語で「based on ~」と言います。
I make appointments for English conversation based on how I feel, so I make them on the day-of, but the teachers got mad at me for that.
I book my English lessons when on the day when I feel like it.
I book my English lessons when on the day when I feel like it.
on the day で「当日に」、when I feel like it で「(予約したい)気分の時」となります。