I'm losing interest in video games as time goes on.
「年々ゲームに飽きてきている」は英語で「I'm losing interest in video games as time goes on.」と言います。「飽きる」という動詞は英語で「get tired of」と言いますが、「losing interest」は「時間が経つと飽きてくる」というイメージが入っています。
I'm losing interest in video games as the years go by.
I'm getting tired of video games as the years go by.
I'm getting tired of video games with each (passing) year.
「年々」の英訳がかなり多いです。上記のas the years go byとwith each (passing) year以外、year by yearとかyear after yearとかwith each new yearなどに訳せます。
例文:Year by year, I'm getting tired of video games.
そして、「飽きる」はtire ofに訳すことが多いですが、get overも使えます。
例文:I'm getting over video games as the years go by.