I thought I was going to have a big poop, but only a little came out.
I thought I was going to poop out a lot, but I only pooped a little.
ーI thought I was going to have a big poop, but only a little came out.
to have a big poop で「大きなウンチをする」
to come out で「出てくる」
ーI thought I was going to poop out a lot, but I only pooped a little.
to poop out a lot で「ウンチをたくさんする」
poop は動詞としても使えます。
"I thought I needed to poop a lot but only a little came out."
上記のようなフレーズを使うことができます。家族や親しい友人との会話であれば、"poop" という言葉がカジュアルかつ親しみやすい表現として受け入れられています。
なお、"poop" は普通、不可算名詞として扱われるので、通常は "poops" のように複数形にはしませんが、ここでの "a lot" と "only a little" は量を表す表現です。直訳ではなく、慣用的なフレーズとして理解されます。
- "I thought I had to go badly, but it was just a false alarm."
- "I was expecting more to come out, but there was hardly anything."
- "It turned out to be a small number after feeling like a lot."
"うんこ" に関連する砕けた表現:
- "take a dump"(もっとくだけた表現)
- "have a BM (bowel movement)"(少しフォーマルな表現)