"Brushed away the nursing bottle with their hand."
- "Brushed away the nursing bottle with their hand."
"brushed away" 「払いのけた」
"the nursing bottle" 「哺乳びん」
"with their hand" 「手で」
"The baby brushed the bottle away with their hand" 「赤ちゃんが手で哺乳びんを手で払いのけた」
そして赤ちゃんは男の子なら "their" の代わりに "his" を使い、女の子なら "her" を使います。
My baby pushed his bottle of milk away with his hand.
My baby brushed his bottle of milk away with his hand.
ーMy baby pushed his bottle of milk away with his hand.
私ならto push ... away を使って言います。
ーMy baby brushed his bottle of milk away with his hand.
to brush ... away と言うこともできます。
I wanted to give my baby a bottle of milk, but he pushed it away with his hand.
「手で哺乳びんを手で払いのけた」は英語で「He swatted the bottle away with his hand.」と言います。「swat」は一発で払いのけるという意味なので、赤ちゃんの動きにふさわしいと思います。そんな派手な動きではなかったら「brush」でも大丈夫です。また、赤ちゃんが女の子でしたら「she」を使ってください。
The baby swatted the bottle away with his hand.