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2016/09/05 17:34
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  • The library closes every Monday and the third Friday of each month.

休館 close 月曜日 every Monday 第3金曜日 the third Friday of each month
Satoshi Oguri アイアクセス・バンクーバー主宰 英文法コーチ/通訳・翻訳
  • Library is always open except for Mondays and the third Friday.

Library is always open except for Mondays and the third Friday. 図書館は毎週月曜と第3金曜以外は開講しています。 except for〜:〜以外は 休館日を提示しつつ、他の曜日はすべて開いていますよというニュアンスになります。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • The Library is closed on Mondays and every third Friday of the month.

▪The Library is closed on Mondays and every third Friday of the month. Example Friend: Do you know what are the operating days of the library? You:The Library is closed on Mondays and every third Friday of the month.
▪図書館は月曜日と第3金曜日がお休みです。 例 友達: Do you know what are the operating days of the library? (図書館の運営日を知っていますか?) あなた:The Library is closed on Mondays and every third Friday of the month. (月曜日、そして毎月第3金曜日は図書館は閉まっています。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The library is closed on Monday and the third Friday。

*Library-a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution. Example-"a university library" The library is closed on Monday and the third Friday *Closed-not open. Example-"rooms with closed doors lined the hallway" I hope this helps :-)
*Library-一般の人や図書館の会員が使用する。借りるための大量の本、雑誌、時には映画、レコード音楽等を所有する建物や部屋。 例文 "a university library" 大学の図書館 例文 The library is closed on Monday and the third Friday 図書館は月曜日と第3金曜日は閉館です。 *Closed-開いていない 例-"rooms with closed doors lined the hallway" 廊下に並んだドアが閉まった部屋 お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • The library is closed on Mondays and the third Friday of the month.

The library is open every day except for Mondays and the third Friday of the month. Closed means not open.
The library is open every day except for Mondays and the third Friday of the month. 〔訳〕その図書館は毎週月曜日と第三金曜日以外は、毎日開いています 「 Closed」は「開いていない(not open)」という意味です。
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Every Monday and third Friday of the month, the library is closed.

  • The library is open on weekends, but closed on Mondays and every third Friday.

To explain the schedule of a specific library you can state: "The library is open on weekends, but closed on Mondays and every third Friday."
特定の図書館の予定を説明する言い方です: "The library is open on weekends, but closed on Mondays and every third Friday." 〔訳〕その図書館は週末は開いていますが、毎週月曜日と毎月第3金曜日は閉館しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • The library doesn't open on Mondays and the third Friday of every month

The library closes on Monday. The library closes also on the third Friday of the month. You can combine these two items of information using 'and' as in the example sentence. 'And' is a useful conjunction when you wish to deliver various items of information in one sentence. This aids continuity and ease of speech.
「The library closes on Monday.(月曜日は図書館は閉館します)」「The library closes also on the third Friday of the month.(第3金曜日も閉館します)」 これら2文を例文のように「and」でつなぎます。「And」は様々な事柄や情報を一文で表したいときに使える便利な接続詞です。会話をつなげ、容易にします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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