ーI'm calling you because I was told you are a xx specialist. If you are, that's great, but if you're not, could you tell me the name of someone who is?
Could you tell me the name of someone who is? で「どなたか(専門家の)名前を教えていただけますか?」
ーI heard you specialize in xx. If you could help me, that would be great, but if this is not your area of expertise, maybe you could tell me the name of someone who specializes in this?
Could you tell me the name of someone who specializes in this? で「これを専門とする誰かの名前を教えていただけますか?」
If you happen to know anyone who specializes in this field, please let me know.
happen to know 「たまたま知っている」
specialize in「専門に取り扱う」
let ~ know「~に知らせる」
「大阪 (難波・堺・河内長野)カフェ英語レッスン(1h1666円~)」