He was afraid of being sued for defamation, so he wasn't able to write what he wanted.
「彼は名誉毀損で訴えられるのを恐れ書きたい事を書けなかった」は英語で「He was afraid of being sued for defamation, so he wasn't able to write what he wanted.」と言います。zoroさんの例で、「defamation」が全然大丈夫ですが、具体的にいうと「libel」となります。文章で書いたり、書き込んだりするのは「defamation」の中で「libel」と言います。声出しての名誉毀損は「slander」とのことです。
He was afraid of being sued for defamation, so he wasn't able to write what he wanted in the comments section.