All the staff at the coffee shop I go to every day are so nice.
All the people who work at the cafe I always go to are super friendly.
ーAll the staff at the coffee shop I go to every day are so nice.
staff で「スタッフ・店員」
nice で「親切な・優しい」
ーAll the people who work at the cafe I always go to are super friendly.
super friendly で「すごく親切な・友好的な」
The baristas at the cafe that I go to every day are so kind.
「私が毎日行くカフェの店員はいつもみんな親切です」は英語で「The baristas at the cafe that I go to every day are so kind.」と言います。「barista」は「コーヒーを入れる人、またはコーヒーの店で接客する人」の意味ですが、コーヒーを入れるイメージが強いのでもし接客がうまいだけの店員でしたら「staff」や「servers」の方が適切です。
The servers at the Filipino-owned cafe that I go to every day are so kind.