世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/02 21:41
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  • What happens twice will happen three times.

  • It never rains but it pours.

  • Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.

日本語の諺を英語に置き換える場合、二つあって 日本語の意味をわかりやすく英語に置き換えるパターン ともともと英語にあるsaying (ことわざ、格言)の近いものを 選ぶ、というものです。 一つめの What happens twice will happen three times. は、わかりやすい英語に置き換えたパターンです。 三つ目の Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time. は、ブラジル人作家の有名なフレーズを引用したパターンで、 これも2度あることは3度あると同じことを言っているので英語では わかりやすいと思います。 2つ目は、もともと英語にある格言で いわゆる降れば土砂降り、ってやつです。 日本語の2度あることは3度ある、 に近い格言とされていて、一度珍しいことが起こったら それが続く、という意味のものです。 「What happens once, can happen again. And if it happens twice, it will surely happen a third time, and likely more after.」(一度起こることは再び起こる可能性がある。そして二度起こることは、間違いなく三度起こるだろう。それ以降も同じことが起こり続ける可能性がある。) わかるわーって感じですよね。 財布無くしたー、ってときに限っていきなりずっと使う必要のなかった 財布の中に忘れてた診察券を使わないといけなくなったりして… そんなとき僕はいつも It never rains but it pours!! と心の中でずぶ濡れになりながら叫んでいます(笑)
  • things come in threes

「物事は3回起きる」という意味です。 なにか大きな事件・災害などが起きるとそのあとにも同様のことが連続して起きる、という言い伝え(?)です。 I scratched my car and lost my smartphone this week! I'm worried that something bad will happen again because things come in threes! 今週は車を擦って、スマホを無くした! ”物事は3回起きる”と言うからなにかまた悪いことが起きるのではないかと不安だ!
  • Things come in three's

  • If it has happened before it will happen again

  • If it happens twice it will happen again!

A common phrase in the english language is bad/good things come in three's. It is almost expected that things come in three's either three good things or three bad things. You can say things come in three's or use one of the other sentences to express the same thing. Hope this is helpful Teacher Jemxii
英語での共通のフレーズは “Bad/ Good things come in three’s.” (二度あることは三度ある。) といいます。 物事には良いことが三度、悪いことが三度ずつあると言われています。 “Things come in three’s.” (二度あることは三度ある。) や 同じ意味を表す他の文を使っても良いです。 役に立ちますように Jemxii先生
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.

This is a quotation from Paulo Coelho — 'Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.' "We've had two typhoons this week and it's only Wednesday. Do you think we'll have another one this week?" "Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time."
これはパウロ・コエーリョ—からの引用です。 'Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.' (一度しか起こらないことはもう二度と起こらない。でも二度起こることは必ず三度起こる) "We've had two typhoons this week and it's only Wednesday. Do you think we'll have another one this week?" (まだ水曜日なのに今週は2つの台風が来た。今週もう一つ来ると思う?) "Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time." (二度あることは三度ある)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If it happens twice,it will definitely happen again.

  • All things come in threes.

"If it happens twice,it will definitely happen again." and " All things come in threes." are two great ways to express certainty in the likelihood of an action repeating itself.This is usually said in instances where you want to warn or give someone advice in order to affect change or to guide them towards a specific action. "All things come in threes" This could be a warning or an encouraging statement depending on the reasons why you are saying it.
"If it happens twice,it will definitely happen again." と " All things come in threes."は、どちらも物事が繰り返す可能性が高いことが確実だということを表すのによい表現です。これは通常、変化をもたらしたり、特定の行為に人を導くために、誰かに忠告やアドバイスをする場面で使われます。 "All things come in threes" これは理由によって、忠告あるいは励ましの言葉になります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • things come in threes

  • bad luck comes in threes

Sometimes it seems like you've had a lot of bad luck and you tell your friend. They may say well, bad luck comes in three, meaning often if it happens twice it will likely happen again.
時々、たくさんの不運があって友達にそれを伝えることがあります。 彼らはこのように言うかもしれません。 “Well, bad luck comes in three.” (まぁ、悪運は3回続くもんさ。) これは、二回起こるのであれば、再び起こるであろうという意味です。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Regular Occurance

  • Repeated, Common, Frequent, Frequently

If something happens over and over again you can say something like "This is a regular occurrence". or "This happens on a daily basis". or "This is a frequent occurrence". or "This is a common event, it happens so frequently".
もし何かが何度も繰り返し起こっているならば下記のように言えるでしょう。 "This is a regular occurrence". (これはよく起こることです。) "This happens on a daily basis". (これは日常的に起こっていることです。) "This is a frequent occurrence". (これは頻繁に起こることです。) "This is a common event, it happens so frequently". (これは一般的な出来事です。頻繁に起こっています。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Whatever happens twice will happen again.

  • If it happens two times, it happens three times.

When you want to say that if something happens twice, it will happen three times, then you can use one of these two sentences. For example. That is the second time this week. You know what they say. What? Whatever happens twice, will happen again. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • If it's happened twice, it can happen a third time

  • Reoccurring

  • Reoccur

-If something happens twice, there is a chance it can happen a third time -it will likely happen a third time -since this is the second occurrence, it will likely happen again -(bad) things come in threes! -this problem may reoccur, since it's happened twice already! I hope this is helpful. Thanks for taking the time to read! Teacher Lewis
Lewis M English teacher
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