"There is censorship, and posts that contain forbidden content are immediately removed. So people use cryptic language to get around the censorship."
"There is censorship, and posts that contain forbidden content are immediately removed. So people use cryptic language to get around the censorship."
"There is censorship" 「[検閲](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/87803/)があり」
"posts that contain forbidden content" 「禁句のある投稿は」
"forbidden content" 「禁句」"banned words" も言えます。
"posts that contain ~" 「〜ある投稿」
"immediately removed" 「即座に削除される」"immediately deleted" も言えます。
"So people use ~" 「なのでみんなは〜を使用」
"cryptic language" 「隠語」
"to get around the censorship" 「検閲を避けるために」