I'm sorry, but we don't provide any extra hot water for the tea.
Hot water for the used tea pot is not available, but you are more than welcome to order another pot if you'd like.
① "I'm sorry, but we don't provide any extra hot water for the tea."=「申し訳ありません。紅茶には追加のお湯を出しておりません。」
② "Hot water for the used tea pot is not available,"=「飲まれた紅茶のポット用のお湯はありません、」
"but you are more than welcome to order another pot if you'd like."=「ただ、よろしければ新しい紅茶のポットのご注文を承ります。」
Unfortunately, we only give out one pot of hot water with each tea.
ーI'm sorry, we don't offer refills for tea.
ーUnfortunately, we only give out one pot of hot water with each tea.
to give out one pot of hot water「ポット一杯のお湯を出す」という言い方もできます。