I would be delighted if I'm able to convey the actual image through this drawing.
この場合、「この[絵](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/34303/)で実物のイメージが伝われば嬉しい」と言いたいなら、英語で「I would be delighted if I'm able to convey the actual image through this drawing.」と言えます。
I would be glad if I could convey what the actual thing's like through this drawing.
「この絵で実物のイメージが伝われば嬉しい」は英語で「I would be glad if I could convey the actual thing through this drawing.」と言います。「伝わる」は英語で「convey」と言います。
I would be really happy if I could convey what the actual thing's like through this drawing.