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「通勤時間長くない?」 「音楽聴いてればすぐだよ」 というかんじで言いたいです
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2016/09/27 15:21
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  • I listen to music so it doesn't feel that long.

・I listen to music so it doesn't feel that long.  「音楽を聴くからそんなに長く感じない。」 It feels long. で「(時間の経過が)長く感じる」という意味で、It doesn't feel that long. で「そんなに長く感じない」です。that は「そんなに」という意味なのですが、この場合はなくても通じますね。
  • Time flies when you are listening to music.

  • Listening to music makes time move fast.

Usually when one is listening to some good music and having a good time, time tends to move faster than expected. people usually lose track of time when listening to music.
一般的に、いい音楽を聞いていて、良い時間を過ごしているのなら、時間というのは思っているより早く進むものです。 普通人は音楽をきいていると時間の経過を忘れるものです。
Panashe DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies when I'm listening to music

  • I don't notice the time when I'm listening to music.

When you want to say that time passes by quickly when listening to music, you can say: Time flies when I'm listening to music. Time flies: This means that times moves quickly or very fast. Time flies when you are having fun! You can also say: I don't notice the time when I'm listening to music. To not notice the time means that time passes before you even realise it. I hope that helps!
もし、音楽を聴いているとき、時間が過ぎるのが早いと言いたいのなら、こう言えます。 Time flies when I'm listening to music. Time flies: これは時間が飛ぶように早く動く、という意味です。 Time flies when you are having fun!:楽しんでいると時間がすごく早いですよね。 こうも言えます。 I don't notice the time when I'm listening to music. To not notice the time これは時間の過ぎるのに気づかなかったという意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • My commute feels shorter when I listen to music.

  • Listening to music makes the time pass quickly.

"My commute feels shorter when I listen to music." This explains that when you listen to music while commuting it feels like time goes faster. "Listening to music makes the time pass quickly." This explains that when you listen to music the time goes by faster.
"My commute feels shorter when I listen to music." これは、通勤時に音楽をきいていると、通勤時間が過ぎるのが早いと説明したいときに使えます。 "Listening to music makes the time pass quickly." これは音楽をきいているとき時間の流れが速いというときに使えます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies by when you are listening to music

  • Time goes fast when you are listening to music

If you want to while away time, listen to music. In the first sentence, 'time flies by when you are listening to music' is a straight forward unambiguous saying to mean that if you are listening to music, and you are completely 'engrossed' in it, you just won't notice how time has flown by. Some songs last three minutes while others can go up to ten minutes, especially fast dance songs. Music is time bound and the more songs you play, the more time flies by. 'Time goes fast when you are listening to music' is also an unambiguous statement. Like in the first sentence, it actually means that the more songs you play and listen to, the faster time goes because it is time bound.
時間を忘れたいのなら音楽を聴くと良いでしょう。 最初の文は、'time flies by when you are listening to music' と、はっきりと音楽を聴いていると、飲める混んで時間を忘れるという意味です。 曲によっては3分で終わるものもあれば、10分のものもある。 特にダンス音楽とかは長いですね。 音楽はきけばきくほど時間が過ぎていきます。 Time goes fast when you are listening to musicも、曖昧さのない文です。 最初の文と同様にたくさん音楽を流して聞けば、時間はより早く過ぎる、という意味です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My 1 1/2 hour commute doesn't seem long when I listen to music.

  • Once the music starts, time seems to fly by on my commute.

"Fly by" is a phrase that means to move fast or go quickly Using music to do activities is a great way to pass the time. Either sentence will work for what you're trying to explain.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Listening to music helps me to pass time faster during my long commute.

Here is another way to explain this in context: I have a long commute to work every day, to pass time more quickly I like to listen to music, I feel like the commute goes a lot quicker that way. I feel like listening to music helps me to relax, when I am commuting.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • With my headphones on, travelling time just flies by!

  • Listening to music on the train, time passes in a flash!

When time appears to go quickly, it sometimes means we are enjoying ourselves or are having a great time - or we could just be sleeping. If you love music then what better way to spend your idle travelling hours than by listening to your favourite tracks! You may even have time to experiment with some new genres!
時間が早く進むように思える時、それは楽しんでいる素晴らしい時間かただ寝ている時間かもしれません。 もし音楽が好きなのであれば、旅行の暇な時間を過ごす時に好きな曲を聞くのはとても楽しいでしょう。 新しいジャンルを体験する時間になるかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • TIme flies...

  • Even though I commute for over an hour...time flies, when I am listening to music

When we "travel routinely " /Commute..Music can "transport us to another world" and in this space time is apparently altered;-) Before we know it we have arrived at our destination...and all because of our music; "Time flies when you are having fun" (Idiom)
通勤中に、音楽を聴くと別世界に連れて行ってくれ、また違った時間になるものです。 音楽を聴くことによって、目的地まであっという間です。  "Time flies when you are having fun" 楽しいときは時間があっという間に過ぎます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Well time seems to go by quite fast while i'm listening to music so the commute doesn't seem very long.

  • Time passes by much quicker when I am listening to music.

if you would like to express to someone that time flies when you are listening to music, you can say something like "time flies when I am listening to my music." or if you would like to explain that the commute does not feel so long because you are listening to music, you can say something like "Well time seems to go by quite fast while i'm listening to music so the commute doesn't seem very long.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • My commute flies because I am listening to my music.

  • I don't notice the length of my commute because I listen to my music.

  • I listen to music on my commute so the time flies.

In English we use the expression 'time flies' when we talk about the speed at which time passes so it would be quite usual to express the duration of our commute in a similar way, for example: - My commute flies because I am listening to my music. or - I listen to music on my commute so the time flies. We could also say: - I don't notice the length of my commute because I listen to my music.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Switch off

  • Before one knows it

Switch off means to not pay attention to one's surroundings. It is quite easy to switch off when listening to music, reading a book, etc. "I just switch off & listen to music when I'm on the train. Before I know it, I'm already at work!" Before one knows it means very quickly or soon. "I plug in, switch off, & listen to music on my daily commute. Before I know it, I'm already sat at my desk!"
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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