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2016/10/04 11:48
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  • ① I hate it when fingerprints get on my screen!

「画面に指紋が着くの大嫌い!」と言うなら「① I hate it when fingerprints get on my screen! 」がいいと思います! ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Please do not leave finger marks on my screen!

  • I do not like fingerprints on my glasses!

"Please do not leave finger marks on my screen!" This is asking someone to not dirty your phone/screen/glasses. "I do not like fingerprints on my glasses!" I used the word "like" instead of "hate", because hate is a very strong emotion, we might have a strong "dislike"for this action.
"Please do not leave finger marks on my screen! ""finger mark""=手垢、指の跡 これは誰かに携帯電話やコンピューターの画面を指で触って汚して欲しくない時にお願いする言い方です。 I do not like fingerprints on my glasses! 誰かに「〜して欲しくない」と言う希望を伝える時は、""like""を使って表現しましょう。 同じく「好きじゃない」と言う意味の""hate""という言葉もありますが、これはとても感情的な時に使う言葉なので注意が必要です。ここでは使わない方が良いでしょう。 "
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Irritated by...

  • I get very irritated by greasy fingerprints " smearing things"

Our bodies have natural oils on the skin../hands/fingers...Some people hate to see this "greasy residue" appearing on nice ,clean, shiny , surfaces! For some reason they are deeply irritated by the sight of greasy fingerprints on screens etc ..." smearing things"
私達の肌や手や指は体が分泌する油があります。清潔で綺麗でツルツルの表面にこの "greasy residue" (油汚れ)が現れるのを嫌う人もいます。 こういう人は画面などについた油ぎった指紋をとして見てかなりイライラするようです。"smearing things"(汚れもの)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm obsessive about fingerprints not being on my phone.

  • Fingerprints on my phone is my pet hate.

The word 'obsessive' is these days associated with a condition called 'obsessive compulsive disorder' where a person may be, for example, obsessed about keeping the house clean. 'Pet hates' are sometimes called, 'pet peeves.' these are particular things that really irritate or annoy you. "My pet hate is people speaking loudly on their smartphones!"
'obsessive'とは、なにかにとりつかれている、例えば家を綺麗にしなくちゃいけないという意識にとりつかれている、などで定義されるobsessive compulsive disorderというものとよく関連付けられています。 'Pet hates' や 'pet peeves.' は、特に自分をイライラさせるもののことを指します。 "My pet hate is people speaking loudly on their smartphones!" スマホでうるさく喋っている人嫌い!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It irks me to find fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses.

  • Fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses are my pet peeve.

  • Fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses really rile me up.

"It irks me to find fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses." irk = to irritate or annoy eg.It irks me tho think about how much time was wasted standing around. " Fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses are my pet peeve." pet peeve = something that a particular person finds especially annoying eg.One of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service " Fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses really rile me up." rile = make (someone) annoyed or irritated eg.He has been riled by suggestions that his Arsenal future is in doubt
"It irks me to find fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses." irk = to irritate or annoy eg.It irks me tho think about how much time was wasted standing around. Irk=イライラする。 「ボーっと立っていただけで、どれだけの時間を無駄にしたか、考えるだけで(思い出すだけで)イライラする。」 " Fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses are my pet peeve." pet peeve = something that a particular person finds especially annoying eg.One of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service Pet peeve=イライラすること(原因)。 「カスタマーサービスが良くないと、イライラの原因になります。」 " Fingerprints on the screen of my phone/computer/glasses really rile me up." rile = make (someone) annoyed or irritated Rile=イライラさせる。 「携帯やパソコンの画面に指紋が付くとイライラする。」 eg.He has been riled by suggestions that his Arsenal future is in doubt 例文:「アーセナル(イギリスのサッカーチーム)での将来が危ないと言われたことに、彼はイライラしている。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I hate fingerprints on my screen

  • i don't like fingerprints on my screen

If you are talking about your or phone then you use the term 'screen' to describe the display or glass when talking about your glasses you could simply say 'glass' or even 'lenses' If you hate something you really don't like something so you could say 'i hate fingerprints on my screen/lenses' you could also say 'i don't like fingerprints on my screen/lenses'
パソコン画面・テレビ画面・携帯画面の場合は、”Screen"(画面)と言います。画面の事を”Glass"(ガラス)または”Lenses"(レンズ)とも言います。 ”Hate"は、何かに対して強い「嫌悪感を抱く」という意味の動詞です。”I hate fingerprints on my screen/lenses"(画面に指紋が付くのがすごく嫌だ。) また、”I don't like fingerprints on my screen/lenses"(画面に指紋が付くのが嫌だ。)と言うことも出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I hate fingerprints on my phone screen.

  • To me fingerprints on the screen make it look dirty.

To express personal dislike at fingerprint marks you could use i hate or i loathe fingerprints on my screen. To express dislike of anothers phone you could say your screen has fingerprints all over it, it looks so dirty
画面に指紋が付くことに対しての嫌悪感を表す場合、”I hate"または”I loathe"を使うことが出来ます。 画面に指紋がたくさん付いている他人の携帯電話に対する嫌悪感を表す際は、”It looks so dirty"(すごい汚い)と表現することが出来ます。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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