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2016/10/05 17:17
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  • I can type faster than before.

■I can type faster than before.
(アイ キャン タイプ ファスター ザン ビフォー)

type は「タイピングをする」という意味の動詞です。
than before は「以前より」を表しています。

Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • My typing speed has gotten faster

  • My typing speed has gotten faster (since I started this job)

Hey Marika!

「タイピング」= typing ですが、速さのことを指すので「typing speed」が良いと思います。

速くなった= got faster
でもこの場合は前から今まで続いている状況なので「has gotten」を使います。

その理由を伝えると、since starting my job

※ 〜してから ※
英語でだいたい「after 〜」「from when 〜」と言います。

It's ready ten minutes from when you order
It's ready ten minutes after you order

It's been 10 minutes since I ordered. It's not ready yet.



  • As a result of the experience I have been getting with my new job, my typing speed has improved.

  • Now that I have been typing a lot more in my job, I can type at a faster speed.

  • Because of my job, my typing skills are improving, and my current typing speed is faster than before.

"As a result of" means the outcome that comes from doing something. In this case, the job experience is typing. Since the person types more in his/her job, this has increased his/her typing speed.

Expressing the reason for a result before stating the result completes the thought more thoroughly. It helps give clarity as to why one is making the statement. So, "I have been typing a lot more" helps to explain why you are faster at typing.

To imply that one is improving means that he/she is better than he/she was at a particular task prior to that.

"As a result of" は「~結果として」という意味です。この場合、仕事で得た経験というのはタイピングです。仕事でタイピングをする機会が増えたので、そのスピードがアップしたということです。

理由を述べてからその結果を表した方が、考えが伝わりやすいです。発言の意図が明確になります。ですから、"I have been typing a lot more"(タイピングをすることが増えた)はなぜタイピングの速度が上がったのかを説明しています。

"Improving" は、その前の仕事のときよりも良くなっていることを表します。

Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • My typing speed is a lot faster than before!

  • I used to type really slowly, but is faster now!

  • I can type really fast now!

My typing speed is a lot faster than before!
"than before"
used when we want to explain that I can do something better or faster now

I can type really fast now!
in the present moment

I used to type really slowly, but is faster now!
"used to"
we use this when we could not do something in the past or when we did and e don't do it anymore

My typing speed is a lot faster than before!(タイピングのスピードが以前よりもだいぶ速くなりました)

"than before"

I can type really fast now!(タイピングがすごく速くなりました)


I used to type really slowly, but is faster now!(昔はタイピングがすごく遅かったけど速くなりました)

"used to"

Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My typing speed has increased since I began my new job.

  • I can now type more words per minute than before!

Typing speed is tested by the amount of words you can type per minute. Therefore it is proper to say 'I can now type more words per minute' as that is the standard measure.

The word increased means higher/faster, if your typing speed has increased it means that you are now better at typing.

タイピングの速度は1分間に入力できる単語の数で評価されます。ですから、'I can now type more words per minute'(1分間でタイプできる単語の数が増えた)は正しい言い方です、これが標準的な測定基準なので。

'Increased' は「増えた/速くなった」という意味です。'My typing speed has increased' は「タイピングの速度が上がった」という意味です。

Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • My words per minute have improved.

  • I'm better than before.

  • My typing is quicker.

"Words per minute" or WPM is the most common way to reference your typing speed.
"I used to type 50 words per minute, but now I can type 75 words per minute."
Less specific options would include.
"Better than before" or "Quicker".
Quicker - Moving fast or doing something in a short time.

"Words per minute" あるいは "WPM" は、タイピングスピードを表す最も一般的な言い方です。

"I used to type 50 words per minute, but now I can type 75 words per minute."(昔は1分間に50語入力していましたが、今は1分間に75語入力できます)

"Better than before" または "Quicker"

Quicker - 動きが速い、速い

Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • My typing is now much better

  • My typing is a lot faster now

  • I'm much faster at typing

Saying something is 'much better' gives someone the general idea that it has improved. We however, want to be more specific and state what exactly has improved, therefore we need to talk about 'speed'.

The word 'faster' implies that something is now quicker and done with more speed than something else or something previously. Therefore saying 'my typing is a lot faster' or 'I am much faster at typing' does this.

much better' と言えば、それがうまくなったということは伝わります。ただ、ここではより具体的に何が良くなったのか伝えたいわけですね。ですから、スピードについて言わないといけません。

'faster' は、他のものあるいは以前よりも速いというニュアンスです。

'my typing is a lot faster'(タイピングがずっと速くなりました)
'I am much faster at typing'(タイピングがずっと速くなりました)

Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
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