世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/09 12:34
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  • Thank you for helping me.

「勉強」とか敢えて言わない方が楽に表現できますよ^^ Thank you for helping me. 手伝ってくれてありがとう。 こういう超簡単な言い方をするのが個人的にオススメですよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Thank you for being my study pal!

*Palはとてもカジュアルな言い方で、先輩などに対してはPartnerの方が丁寧です。 *study pal=勉強仲間 *勉強を付き合ってくれて=勉強仲間でいてくれて とてもよく使われる表現です。 I hope it helps.
Yuki Ebihara TESOL Professional
  • Thank you for studying with me.

  • Thank you for helping me learn.

"studying with me" can also be expressed as "helping me learn" or "teaching me."
studying with me 勉強を手伝う又は私に勉強を教えてくれるということを表現することができます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for being my study buddy.

  • Thanks for helping me out.

  • You're a star, thank you.

Number 3 is a bit less obvious. The other two are usual answers.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for studying with me! I really appreciate it.

  • It's been great having you study with me!

  • Thanks for being my study buddy!

Any of these comments is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I appreciate you taking the time to study with.

This would be a way to show how grateful you are, knowing that the person could have chosen to study by themselves.
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for sacrificing your time to study with me.

  • Thank you for being an awesome study buddy!

  • It has been great studying with you today,thank you.

"Thank you for sacrificing your time to study with me." This is to acknowledge the possibility of the other person making a special effort to study with you. sacrifice = give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations "Thank you for being an awesome study buddy!" You are thanking them and complimenting them at the same time. Awesome = an informal way of saying extremely good; excellent. "It has been great studying with you today,thank you." You are expressing your feelings towards studying with that person and thanking them for it.
> "Thank you for sacrificing your time to study with me." 「私と一緒に勉強するために、時間を割いてくれてありがとう。」 Sacrifice=犠牲になる、犠牲にする。 相手がわざわざ自分の為に時間を取ってくれたことを認識しています。 > "Thank you for being an awesome study buddy!" 「最高な勉強のパートナーになってくれて、ありがとう!」 Awesome=素晴らしい、最高な、見事な。 相手に感謝の気持ちを伝えると同時に、相手のすばらしさを褒めています。 > "It has been great studying with you today,thank you." 「今日は一緒に勉強できてよかった、ありがとう!」 相手と一緒に勉強することへの気持ちと感謝の意を伝えています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for studying with me!

  • Thank you for being my study-buddy.

  • I enjoyed studying together, thank you.

Thank you for studying with me! This sentence is simple, direct and also very kind. You are expressing that you are grateful to the person for studying with you. There can be no confusion from the other person if you say this. Thank you for being my study-buddy. A "buddy" can be a close friend or a person you work with. In this case, it can mean both or just one of them. If someone is your "study-buddy", it could mean that the person you are studying with is your friend. It can also mean that you and the person only spend time together when studying, meaning that this person is a "work" companion. In this sentence you are kindly thanking the person for being your study buddy. I enjoyed studying together, thank you. In this sentence you are telling the person that you like studying with them and you are also thanking them. This is a very friendly way of thanking someone and also letting them know that you enjoy their company.
Thank you for studying with me!(一緒に勉強してくれてありがとう) この文はシンプル、ストレートそして丁寧です。「一緒に勉強してくれてありがとう」と伝えています。誤解の余地のない言い方です。 Thank you for being my study-buddy.(一緒に勉強してくれてありがとう) "buddy" は「親友」または「相棒」のことです。この場合は、そのどちらか、あるいは両方を指します。"study-buddy" は一緒に勉強してくれた「友達」、またはいつも一緒に勉強してくれる人、つまり「勉強仲間」を指します。この文では、「一緒に勉強してくれてありがとう」と丁寧に伝えています。 I enjoyed studying together, thank you.(一緒に勉強できて楽しかったです、ありがとう) この文では「一緒に勉強できて楽しかった」、「ありがとう」と伝えています。すごくフレンドリーな言い方です。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for studying with me!

  • Thank you for helping me study!

Both answers are simple and direct ways of thanking someone for studying with you. If the person is a classmate, and you are both learning and studying the same material together, then it might be better to use "Thanks for studying with me." because you are both studying together. If it is someone who is more advanced than you and is helping you learn something they already know, then use "Thank you for helping me study!" Either option is still appropriate for both situations.
どちらも、一緒に勉強してくれた相手に感謝するシンプルでストレートな言い方です。 相手が同じ教材を一緒に勉強しているクラスメートなら、"Thanks for studying with me."(一緒に勉強してくれてありがとう)の方がいいかもしれません。一緒に勉強しているからです。 相手の方が上級者で、勉強を教えてもらったなら、"Thank you for helping me study!"(勉強を手伝ってくれてありがとう)を使いましょう。 ただ、どちらの例も、両方の場面で使うことはできます。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for helping me

  • Thanks for studying with me

It's very easy to do, don't worry :) You can use any of the two written examples by me.
心配要りません、これはすごく簡単です。 上記の例どちらも使うことができます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for a great study session!

  • That was an awesome study session, thanks!

  • What a productive study time, I am grateful to you!

To express thanks for a study session use the sentences above. You can form a study group, this is a group of students who are all coming together with one goal, studying together and helping one another with the subject material. This is a great initiative as it gives each student support and security knowing that they have the help they need. Productive: much work was done, everything that needed to be done was completed.
勉強に付き合ってくれたことに感謝するなら、上記の表現が使えます。 'study group' を作ってもいいと思います。これは、同じ目標に向かって助け合いながら一緒に勉強するグループをいいます。 これは素晴らしい戦略です。相談する相手がいることで、安心感も得られます。 Productive: たくさんの仕事ができた、やらないといけないことがすべて終わった
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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