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2016/10/13 20:41
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  • Why don't we go out for dinner instead of the movies?

*Why don't we〜=Let's do〜 〜しましょうよ、というようなお誘いのフレーズ *Go our for dinner 食事に行く  *instead of 代わりに *一般的なことを指す時は、a movie ではなく、moviesと複数にしましょう。 I hope it helps
Yuki Ebihara TESOL Professional
  • Let's keep the movie for next time and just grab something to eat today

Let's keep the movie for next time and go for lunch/dinner=映画は別の機会に取っておいて、今日は飯だけ行こう Grab something to eatはすごくカジュアルな言い方です。もう少し品よく言いたい場合はhave dinnerやhave lunchと表現しましょう。
  • How about dinner tonight and a movie next time?

  • Lets skip the movie tonight and go for dinner. We can go watch the movie next time

▪How about dinner tonight and a movie next time? ▪Lets skip the movie tonight and go for dinner. We can go watch the movie next time. Example 1 Her: So what do you have planned for us for tonight? You: How about dinner tonight and a movie next time? Example 2 Her: What movie are we going to watch? You: Lets skip the movie tonight and go for dinner. We can go watch the movie next time
▪How about dinner tonight and a movie next time? ▪Lets skip the movie tonight and go for dinner. We can go watch the movie next time. 【例文1】 彼女: So what do you have planned for us for tonight?(今夜は何を計画してくれたの?) あなた: How about dinner tonight and a movie next time?(今夜は夕食で、映画は次回でどう?) 【例文2】 彼女: What movie are we going to watch?(何の映画を観るの?) あなた: Lets skip the movie tonight and go for dinner. We can go watch the movie next time(今夜は映画はやめて夕食に行こう。映画は次回観に行けるから)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I think we should just go for dinner tonight so we can enjoy a conversation. We can see meet up again soon and see the movie.

  • I'd prefer just to grab dinner tonight and talk but I'd love to see the movie with you another time.

"grab" is a casual way to say go for some food or drink.
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • We're a bit pushed for time...let's just eat instead of going to the cinema!

  • Let's bin the cinema idea and just chill in a nice restaurant!

To be pushed/pressed for time = In a hurry, subject to pressure, as in: How long will it take? I'm really pushed for time." To bin something = informal - Throw (something) away by putting it in a bin. ‘Piles of junk that should have been binned years ago’ Discard or reject - "The whole idea had to be binned."
・To be pushed/pressed for time = 急いで、プレッシャーを受ける 【例文】 How long will it take? I'm really pushed for time." (どれくらいかかりますか?時間がとても押しています) ・To bin something = (カジュアルな表現)瓶に入れて(何かを)捨てる 【例文】 ‘Piles of junk that should have been binned years ago’ (数年前に捨てるべきだったがらくたの山) 捨てるあるいは拒否する 【例文】 "The whole idea had to be binned." (考えはすべて拒否されるべきだった)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have much time for a movie today, but lets still go to dinner.

  • We are pressed for time today, so lets just go and eat.

-"We don't have much time" helps convey that time is limited, and there is not enough of it to do everything that was originally planned. -The term "pressed for time" means there is not a lot of time left, so in the sentence above, it is saying that because we do not have much time left, let's just eat.
-"We don't have much time"(そんなに時間がない)は、時間が限られていて、もともとのプランにあった全てをする時間が十分にないことを意味します。 - "pressed for time" とは、時間がそれほどなく、最初の表現のように、時間がないので食事だけしようと伝える表現です。
Fields DMM英会話講師
  • Why don't we go out for dinner today and go watch a movie on another day?

  • How about we go out for dinner today and set a different movie date?

  • Wouldn't it be better if we went out for dinner today, and watch a movie at a later date?

You have to be careful when making a suggestion because you do not want the person to think you are controlling and bossy. Remember when you make a suggestion, the person must still have the option to decline the suggestion. If you say 'we will go for dinner today and movies at a later date' it sounds rude and demanding, you need to phrase it as a suggestion so the person knows you are open to other suggestions. Sometimes your suggestion is not very convenient for someone and they need a way out. For example, what if the person you are asking this question to responds 'I don't want to go out for dinner today, I have already eaten'. If you presented your suggestion politely, then they can make a counter suggestion, so maybe they can say 'Should we rather just go for a walk today?'. Then you can either accept, or decline with a different suggestion. Always be polite when suggesting something to someone.
提案をする時は気をつける必要があります。というのも相手にあなたが支配的で横柄だと思われないようにしないといけないからです。提案をする時は、相手が提案を断る選択肢を持っているということを頭に入れておいて下さい。もしあなたが '今日は夕食に行って、映画は又後日にしよう'と言えば、無礼で押し付けがましく思えますので、提案として言う必要があります。そうすれば相手もあなたが他の提案を受け入れるということが分かります。 あなたの提案が相手にとって都合が悪く、断る必要があることもあります。例えば、質問をした相手が '今日は夕食を食べに行きたくない。もう済ませてきた'.と言ったとします。あなたが丁寧に提案していれば、相手は別の提案をすることが出来ます。おそらく 'それだったら今日は散歩にいきませんか?'と言うことが出来ます。そしてあなたはその提案を受け入れるか、別の提案をして断ることが出来ます。 人に提案をする時はいつも丁寧にしましょう。
Lesang DMM英語講師
  • I suggest that we miss movies today and go for a delicious dinner at my favorite restaurant instead.

  • Why don't we go to the movies tomorrow night and go to my favorite restaurant for dinner tonight?

When asking someone to change what was planned, such as going to the movies in this case and going to a restaurant or dinner instead, it is always better to state it as a suggestion, and not a command. It sounds more polite and inclusive than when it is not. You can say it straightforwardly and say, "I suggest" or you can say it in question format and say "why don't we"?. So, you may say: I suggest that we miss movies today and go for a delicious dinner at my favorite restaurant instead. or Why don't we go to the movies tomorrow night and go to my favorite restaurant for dinner tonight?
この場合、映画に行く代わりにレストランに夕食を食べにいくというように、計画を変えるように人に頼む時は、命令ではなく、提案として言う方が常に良いです。命令でない方が、より丁寧で提案が受け入れやすいです。単刀直入に"I suggest"と言うことも出来ますし、"why don't we"?.と疑問文の形で言うことも出来ます。ですからこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 I suggest that we miss movies today and go for a delicious dinner at my favorite restaurant instead. 今日は映画に行くのを止めて、代わりに私のお気に入りのレストランでおいしい夕食を食べに行きましょう Why don't we go to the movies tomorrow night and go to my favorite restaurant for dinner tonight? 明日の夜に映画に行くことにして、今晩は私のお気に入りのレストランに夕食を食べに行きましょう
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Let's go to the movies another time and just get something to eat today.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Let's go to the movies another time and just get something to eat today. 映画は今度にして今日は何か食べに行こう。 another time で「今度」のニュアンスになります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Let's go out for dinner today. We can see the movie another time.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Let's go out for dinner today. We can see the movie another time. 「今日は夕食を食べに行こう。別の時にその映画は見に行けばよい」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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