I lost all my muscle as I haven't worked out recently.
Work out; 筋トレする/(名詞)筋トレ
「筋肉が落ちる」は単純にlose my muscleで良いです。脂肪(fat)も同じで、loseが「落ちる」「落とす」に使われます。筋肉をつける、や、脂肪がつく、といった場合はgainが動詞で使われます。
整った体型: (形) well-built
良い体型を手に入れる: Get in shape
良い体型を維持する:stay in shape
太る:gain fat/gain weight
I haven't trained for a while so I've lost muscle.
lose muscle
muscles have got smaller※
muscles have got weaker※
my muscles aren't as big as they were (直訳:筋肉は前ほど大きくない)
to work out
to train
to go to the gym
to hit the gym
※イギリス英語: get-got-got, アメリカ英語: get-got-gotten
「筋肉が落ちる」と言いたい時は lost (loose「失くす」の過去形)を使って表現します。
She lost a lot of muscle after she stopped eating meat.
反対に「筋肉がつく」と言いたい場合は gain 「増える」という表現を使います。
He gained a lot of muscle after he took up rock climbing.